
Announcing the Exceptional English Teacher Awards 2020 in loving memory of Rafael Gefen.

Stage 1: June 6th – 30th 2019

During Stage 1, inspectors, principals and counselors can nominate candidates for these awards. Please see this nominations submission form.

At the end of stage 1, district committees will choose the finalists from their district - 9 finalists from each district (3 elementary, 3 JH and 3 HS). Each district committee will inform their finalists of their acceptance to Stage 2 by 26/9/2019. Those teachers who don’t make it to Stage 2 must be informed too at this point.

Stage 2: 26 September – 27th October 2019

During stage 2, each candidate will be requested by the National Awards Committee to submit a Power Point presentation of no more than 5 slides. 30 - 36 semi-finalists from this stage will be notified by the end of December 2019 by the National Awards Committee. Those who don’t make it to Stage 3 will be informed too at this point.

Stage 3: 28th October 2019 – 21st January 2020

During Stage 3, the Awards Committee, which will include representatives from the English Inspectorate and the participating organisations (US Embassy, Irgun Hamorim) will choose 12 finalists. They will be notified and sent an invitation to the Awards Ceremony in February 2020. Those who don’t make it to Stage 4 will also be notified by the Awards Committee at this point.

Stage 4: February 2020

Award winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in February 2020. Details to follow.