Hair & Makeup

Stage Makeup 101

Stage Makeup is used for dancers of all ages, so that we do not lose their faces and their beautiful features on stage in the mix of costumes and dramatic stage lighting. 

Stage makeup is to be more dramatic than everyday makeup, so that the facial features and expressions can be better distinguished from a far distance and under bright lights.

Stage Make-Up Requirements for Girls:

Foundation and Powder

Brown Eyeshadow with White or light shade for highlighting under the eyebrow

Pink Blush


Mascara (or False Eyelashes for older dancers)

Deep Red Lipstick

Stage Make-Up Requirements for Boys

Foundation or Powder to eliminate shiny skin so we can see the features of their face.

Contour powder or blush to highlight the cheeks.

If your dancer has fair skin and hair, a minimal amount of brown/natural eye shadow can be used to bring out the eye and eyebrows. 

How to apply Stage Makeup

Performance Bun

Hair should be in a CLEAN, SLICK, WHISPY FREE BUN!

Items needed for recital bun:

Send your dancer with extra supplies to keep with them backstage! 

Hair Accessories  

When in doubt go right!