Dance Portraits, March 23rd & 24th

Dance Portraits with Breaking the Mold Photography March 23rd & 24th, check your email reserve your spot.

Recital Meetings, March 23rd

Meetings Saturday, March 23rd:

1:00 pm Studio A

1:45 pm Studio A

2:30 pm Studio A

We will also have a Zoom in option for those who can't make it:

Meeting ID: 780 3866 2387

Passcode: dance

Show A Recital Day Saturday, May 11th

Show A Rehearsal & Performance (Saturday, May 11th)

Dancers Arrive: 9:30 am

Dress Rehearsal Time: 9:30-10:30

Doors Open: 10:30

Show A Begins: 11:00

Dancers should arrive 30 mins before rehearsal time 


No dance bags back stage, water will be provided. 

Parents are not permitted to stay in theater after dancer drop off. 

Entry to theater and seating will begin at 10:30.


Preschool Tuesday 11:00

Preschool Wednesday 10:30

Preschool Wednesday 11:20

Preschool Wednesday  5:30A

Preschool Wednesday  5:30B

Preschool Thursday

Preschool Friday 10:00

Preschool Friday 10:50

Mommy & Me

Company & Jr. Company (All Shows)

Show B & C  Dress Rehearsal, Saturday May 11th

Company Rehearsal: 8:00 am-9:00 am

Show B Rehearsal (2:00 Sunday Show B) 

Dancers Arrive: 1:30 pm

Rehearsal Time: 2:00 pm- 4:30pm

Show C Rehearsal (6:00 Sunday Show C) 

Dancers Arrive: 5:00 pm

Rehearsal Time: 5:30 pm- 8:30pm

Dancers should arrive 30 mins before rehearsal time FULLY DRESSED IN COSTUMES AND MAKEUP. Parents are able to stay and watch or drop off. Dancers must stay for the entire dress rehearsal they are scheduled for and will be dismissed after rehearsal.

Show B 2:00 Show, Sunday May 12th

Classes in Show B (2:00 Show) 

Dancers Arrive: 1:00

Theater Doors Open: 1:30

Show Begins: 2:00

Dancers should arrive fully dressed in costume, hair and makeup. Parents are not allowed backstage, so they need to be dropped off show ready.

 If they have more than one costume they will bring it and anything else they need backstage with them. 

Dancers in both shows can be picked up after the first show or remain backstage. Any dancer picked up must be back in time for the next show check-in. Please communicate this to your dancer beforehand. 

Show C 6:00 Show, Sunday May 12th

Classes in Show C (6:00 Show)

Dancers Arrive: 5:00

Theater Doors Open: 5:30

Show Begins: 6:00

Dancers should arrive fully dressed in costume, hair and makeup. Parents are not allowed backstage, so they need to be dropped off show ready.

 If they have more than one costume they will bring it and anything else they need backstage with them. 

No classes after recital, the recital concludes our 2023-2024 season