2021-2022 PTO Welcome Letter


September 3, 2021

In the blink of an eye our summer is over, and we’ve already completed our first week of school. A warm welcome to our new seventh grade students and parents and to our new teachers and staff. Welcome back to our eighth-grade students, parents, teachers and staff. The AMS PTO Board is so excited for another year of AMS activities!

We hope you enjoyed the Welcome Back to School AMS sign and decorations at the front and side of the school during the first few days. The sign represents our cross country and field hockey teams, school colors, and back to school needs such as backpacks, notebooks and showcases AMS school spirit!

Here are some highlights to share for this week:

  • IMPORTANT Traffic Flow Information – Drop Off/Pick up

  • Staff Appreciation

  • One and Done Fundraiser Information

  • Speaker Series – Parent Survey

  • Suggestions & Comments


A friendly and firm reminder that we need everyone’s full cooperation in ensuring a safe and speedy drop-off and pick-up at AMS. Please comply with the following new policies to help us keep traffic flowing and ensure that all students are able to get into school on time.

Please do your part and follow the traffic rules in place this year:


· All drivers MUST take a right into the school from West Avon Road.

We realize this may add a few minutes to your journey, but it significantly helps our buses and avoids grid lock at the 4 corners of West Avon and Country Club.

· Students must be seated in back seat behind drivers.

This makes such a huge difference in the efficiency of your student’s exit. Do your part and have your children in the back seats behind the driver for drop off.

· Please pull all the way up to the end of the sidewalk. This allows for more cars to drop off at once.

· Walkers should use crosswalk by tennis courts.


· Arrive no earlier than 2:40pm.

· Again, please take a right into school from West Avon Road.

· Encourage walkers to use cross walk by tennis courts.


The PTO Executive board put together care packages (mints and hand sanitizer), for each teacher and staff member and delivered them on the first day of school as a thank you for all that they are doing for our students and community. We will also host a Back to School breakfast on Friday, September 3rd.


Our One & Done fundraiser is kicking off today! Every little bit counts to support our school community and support our students and staff. See the One & Done Flyer link for details: https://www.sites.google.com/view/avonmiddleschoolpto/one-done.


We will once again be sending out a parent survey to learn what topics are of interest in our Speaker Series and which method of delivery you prefer: in person, via Zoom, or a mix of both! Last year's survey results are below:

Technology - 74%, Mental Health - 69%, PTO/School Admin Forum - 53%, Parent/PTO Open Forum - 31%.

Stay tuned for the parent survey as we will be asking for feedback on in-person or zoom event preference, speaker series topic requests, event attendance comfort level and more.

Overall, last year 85% of parents said they would attend virtual meetings!


We are listening to your feedback! We are all in this together so please, continue to send us any questions, concerns and comments to zavalishind8@gmail.com. Please, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us.

Be well,

The PTO Executive Board

2021-2022 AMS Executive PTO Board

Dawn Zavalishin - President- zavalishind8@gmail.com

Open Position – VP of Fundraising (One & Done) – interim: Dawn Zavalishin

Dave Shepherd – Treasurer – damshep@gmail.com

Beth Mango – VP of Volunteers – bmeinert@hotmail.com

Leah Scaff- Secretary – lbabc071@yahoo.com

Robyn Kessler- Family Communications – rkessler99@gmail.com

Open Position - VP of Communication