Scholarly Works




Sinha, A., Bekiros, S., Hussain, N., Nguyen, D.K., Khan, S.A., 2023. How Social Imbalance and Governance Quality Shape Policy Directives for Energy Transition in the OECD Countries?. Energy Economics, 120, 106642. [Link]



Sinha, A., Ghosh, V., Hussain, N., Nguyen, D.K., Das, N., 2023. Green Financing of Renewable Energy Generation: Capturing the role of Exogenous Moderation for Ensuring Sustainable Development. Energy Economics (forthcoming). [Link]

Abbas, S., Sinha, A., Saha, T., Shah, M.I., 2023. Response of Mineral Market to Renewable Energy Production in the USA: Where Lies the Sustainable Energy Future. Energy Policy, 182, 113749. [Link]




Sinha, A., Bekiros, S., Hussain, N., Nguyen, D.K., Khan, S.A., 2023. How Social Imbalance and Governance Quality Shape Policy Directives for Energy Transition in the OECD Countries?. Energy Economics, 120, 106642. [Link]

Hu, K., Sinha, A., Tan, Z., Shah, M.I., Abbas, S., 2022. Achieving energy transition in OECD economies: Discovering the moderating roles of environmental governance. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 168, 112808. [Link]