Unit 1 Task 2 Atoms and Molecules

Essential Question /Guiding Questions

EQ: How do atoms come together to form living and nonliving things?

Focus Notes ( essential question, notes and summary)

[Template] 3 Column Focus Notes Template

Two sets notes: Structure of an Atom (3 column notes) and Physical Properties notes (2 column notes). Both notes must include a summary.

Artifacts: labs, activities and projects

Put a picture of your lego models

Place Kami annotated article " Molecules and Extended Structures" Graphic notes here. Number paragraphs and complete T/F. If the answer is false take out the incorrect word and make it a correct statement. Lastly create a text box next to your article and write a summary of your learning.

Optional: If you took pictures of your Marshmallow Molecules, place here. Can use Google Slides

Learning Logs:

What was the most challenging part of the Marshmallow Lab?