Image Analysis

What colors are used in the ad? Are they effective?

In this ad, they chose to put a woman in a black hijab becasue of her Islamic faith. This hijab is traditional to the religion of Islam and is used to center the focus of this ad towards woman of faith or woman who live in oppressive countries or societies. The outer edges of the phtot are darker which allows the viewer to focus more on the womans face. This shows that the creator of the image wants the viewer to look at the womans eyes and facial expression before reading or seeing antything else. The creator could have chosen to use fewer colors because thet do not want anything to distract the viewer from what the main focus of this ad is, which is women.

What emotion or mood might the colors used the evoke?

There is a grey hue to the photo which makes the image feel dark and gloomy. The grey hue makes the viewer sympathize for the woman in the ad because they understand that beyond this picture she may be in a dark situation. The light shown on the womans face also shows her importance in the ad. It helps the viewer understand that she is the focus of the photo and deserves to be acknowledged.

What kind of fonts are used in the ad? What does the font tell you about what tone the creator is trying to elicit? Is it effective?

The font used in htis image is the same font that google uses on their search tab. The creator replicated the same look as teh google search tag and chose to bold the oppresive words and phrases woman are told and believed to be. The creator obviously wanted the viewer to acknowledge that people still believe ideas that "woman need to stay in their place" , which is seen through the readability and fimiliarity of the font. The font is effective because it is straight forward and recognizable to the viewer.

Consider the image itself. How does it make you feel?

The overall image makes me concerned for the well being of the woman. I understand that not every woman has the same privileges as I do to go to school, and make choices for myself. I want to help the woman in the photo and bring her to a place where she is seen as an equal to men. This ad makes me want to stand up for those who are oppressed and use the privilege that I have to help those who have none.

What do you believe the author wanted to convey with image? Is it effective?

I believe the creator of the image wanted to convey that woman are being silenced in societies in which they are belittled and dehumanized and that people that have a voice should speak up for them. On the ad it says that "woman NEED to be equal". It shows that equality is something that women have to fight for. It displays how women need to break those rules that society puts on them in order to gain the equality that everyone deserves. The ad promotes the notion that all woman deserve equality, especially minorites like women of color, muslim women, homosexual women, etc. The depiction of a women of color in this ad helps its effectiveness to other people of color to stand up for theur fellow people of color.