Avery Almendariz

I am the youngest in a family of five, with an older brother and sister. My parents names are Amy and Alfonso. They both grew up in the bay area of California and decided that is where they wanted to start there family. Each of my siblings and I were born in Vallejo but then moved to Vacaville when I was a new born. I have lived in the same house for my whole life surrounded by my amazing family and neighbors who I love.

I have always excelled in school and had good grades. At school, my main goal is to go above and beyond in my school work and to exceed my teachers expectations. I have gained my success in school by being a good listener and striving to be the best I can be. I can not turn in a project if I believe I could have done better with the resources I have and I think that that has truly led me to be a memorable student.

One of my strengths as a student is that I can process things well. I can hear something once or twice and I will understand and remember it. I am someone who procrastinates a lot, but that has taught me how to produce good work in conditions where I am under much pressure. I have also had a talent for writing ever since I began elementary school, which has improved over the years.

My interests and hobbies have changed much over the years, but I have always had a deep interest in music. My parents raised me in a very musical household which led me to one of my passions today, which is singing. I have been in a few choirs and have sang in duets in talent shows, but one day I aspire to perform solo. I also love fashion. I love to dress up and wear interesting outfits. I love the fashion from the 70's and 80's which influences what i wear. I think my style is a mixture of retro and modern styles. Overall, I love life and am so grateful for the wonderful life I am living today!