Peer Team 2014 - Suggestions

Section IV: Recommendations for Quality Enhancement of the Institution

1. Starting programs in emerging areas of relevance and job oriented courses.

2. Providing ICT thrust in Teaching-Learning process by the effective utility of the e-resources and converting the power-point presentations as CDs and making them the property of the college.

3. Academic monitoring system to be developed to enhance the performance of the students at the UG level.

4.Improving the qualifications of Teaching Staff as per UGC norms.

5.Promoting Research culture by the effective utilization of the services of the qualified faculty and enabling them to get more extramural funding apart from motivating them to publish their findings in impact factor journals.

6.Effective utilization of the highly placed and influential Alumni and the PTA for augmenting the infrastructural facilities.

7. Establishing more Institution-Institution and Institution-Industry interface.

8.Changing the mind-set of students towards innovation and creativity while sustain the efforts towards self- reliance and good citizenship.

9.Promotion of higher goals among Students and building up Communication Skills and other Life Skills.

10.Availing UGC funds to construct Hostels and Gymnasium.

11.Suggestion boxes need to be installed in various blocks.

12.Sharing of the campus with other institutions may be avoided to enhance space availability to other professional PG courses.

Peer Team Recommendations