Users need to be alert even after their passwords have been changed. After a breach like this the risk that hackers will use their personal information to commit identity fraud and launch phishing attacks increases. As always, do not click on links in emails, or give personal information over the phone. If you need to discuss your account information, please contact eBay's customer service by phone or via their website.

"The eBay breach is yet another password issue like Heartbleed. It is really important that people take this seriously, " said Ondrej Vlcek, Chief Operating Officer of AVAST Software. "Data from our recent survey shows that nine out of ten people intended to change their passwords after Heartbleed, but only 40% took action. This careless attitude is completely irresponsible; people have to take the initiative to protect themselves."

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A password manager like avast! EasyPass helps encrypt and protect personal information online, with random, strong passwords. Learn about creating strong passwords by reading our blog, My password was stolen. What do I do now? 

Yesterday in an unrelated attack, eBay's UK and French advertisement network was compromised and showed fake Java and Flash updates. This malicious advertising replaced the visited page and an installer offered a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP). As of last night, they were working to resolve the issue. avast! Antivirus detected the compromise and alerted users.

"Third party ad networks are useful to attackers because the number of connections delays taking malicious content down," explained Honza Zika, malware analyst in the avast! Virus Lab. "Instead of a normal ad, the attacker deploys a code that redirects to the attacker's page. It's designed to look like an official Flash or Java page, but installs unwanted toolbars, addons, extensions or other PUPs. avast! detected this and protected our users."

Deborah Salmi: What I find interesting about this hacker extraordinaire, is that she used some techniques besides hacking to get information she wanted. Once, she used a pirate copy of a card key to break into an office.

Jindrich Kubec: Yes, that could happen with simple mag-stripe cards. ATM debit/credit as well, but RFID (radio frequency identification) proximity cards are harder to clone, though not impossible. Cards with asymmetric keys should not be clonable.

Simple techniques work. Human error accounts for about 30% of the $18 billion in data loss from US companies. People write passwords on a sticky note or use the same ones multiple times, which puts them at risk for stolen data.

Oh. Well, this is very hard to believe. For access to my personal bank account, and I don't have any secret offshore account, you'd need to have my chip card + pin or my access code + cellphone + password or, in the most paranoid setup, chip card + pin + cellphone. And the chip card can't be cloned, as far as I know. Again, for storing of the password and pin, avast! EasyPass could be used.

I don't believe so. There are too many variables. If she was looking for someone whose surname is Smith, she'd be lost. You need to connect lots of dots and sometimes you just need to make an educated guess if two people with the same name are the same person - but that fails when you have someone with a rather common name and/or a boring life.

So you can find information on people, even without paying or hacking, but I wouldn't call any of that secret or even personal. But, I could have used the info for creating something targeted to convince you to do something.

The name is made up. There are few similar products for this though. I remember the ones from Elcomsoft because the dude was arrested in the USA, as he broke DMCA (The Digital Millennium Copyright Act), if I'm not mistaken.

In the past, the built-in encryption in Office sucked. Most probably because they wanted to provide at least some protection, but weren't able to provide anything better because of USA export laws. I don't know how the situation changed, or if the laws are more tolerant now. But since Office 2007, documents are protected by AES-128 cipher, which is fairly strong. I haven't heard that it was already broken, so I'd say it's safe.

Ah, everybody now has to have some OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) or something. Some people in the company may say they have Asperger, but I just think they're nerds with bad social skills. (smiles)

I recently bought Microsoft game and try to install it but there pops up a install shield error 1628 and I deleted install shield from program file but I could delete some file. how can I fix this problem?

Currently (19 June 2014), an Avast security tech is telling me that Install Shield is malware and is proof that I need to pay them $180 to fix my computer so that Roboform does not replace my avast easypass program. This among other erroneous things this security tech told me has caused me to loose confidence in using avast to protect my system. Do you have any other suggestions for system protection?

Honestly, i DO find it MALWARE. I did manage to REMOVE Installshield and im HAPPY AGAIN. Unimaginable FPS drops in many games, terrible issues with ping latency, ALL GONE NOW. Frankly i should put a lawsuit and demand compensation because it was crippling my PC for a very long period of time! Lately when i did ctrl+alt+delete and killed that process, all was back to normal again. Games became smooth, load times, ping everything was just perfect. It was the moment when i realized THIS TOOL IS A PROBLEM.

For the sake of mankind, Microsoft should BAN IT like Google did with Unity. Who cares about that company which made it, its UNBEARABLE!!!

Avast -- stylized as "avast!" -- is the anti-virus computer software brand from Czech-based developer Avast Software. The name of the program is actually an acronym for Anti-Virus - Advanced Set. It's compatible with Microsoft Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems, and it competes against companies like Symantec, McAfee and AVG Technologies.

In 1988 a pair of researchers in Czechoslovakia, Pavel Baudis and Eduard Kucera, teamed up to create a program for stopping the Vienna Virus from affecting computers. Forming a cooperative called Alwil Software, Baudis and Kucera created the first version of Avast that year. After Czechoslovakia broke free from the Soviet Union in 1989, thus easing socio-economic restrictions, Alwil became a full-fledged company, and work continued on the software. Avast eventually became a "freemium" program, meaning that the service was free of charge, but customers needed to pay for more advanced features. By 2012, users were actively using Avast to protect over 170 million computers and mobile devices.

Avast offers four major versions of its software for personal or commercial use on computers. With the Free Antivirus version, Avast protects computers and mobile devices from viruses, spam, spyware and other malicious programs or messages. Avast Pro Antivirus adds a sandbox for isolating the computer from harmful applications and sites, and SafeZone for providing a browser window free of data residue. The Internet Security version has several additional features, such as a firewall for protecting sensitive data from hackers, halting spam and securing user identity. The aptly-named Premier edition automatically updates programs, securely cleans out the hard drive and permits remote access to the computer.

Avast is best known for use on Windows-based PCs. However, it's also available for Android-based devices as Free Mobile Security, and Apple mobile products like the iPad, iPhone and iPod as SecureLine for iOS. Avast provides the software for businesses and schools under the Endpoint Protection umbrella.

As of June 2013, the current version of the anti-virus software is Avast 8.0. Free Mobile Security, Endpoint Protection Suite for schools, and the befittingly-named Free Antivirus are free of charge. Also free is EasyPass for encrypting passwords. However, Pro Antivirus, Internet Security and Premier are paid programs. The Avast BackUp service for backing up hard drives is paid, and the SecureLine for iOS version demands a monthly subscription. The business-oriented variants are generally the most expensive, ranging from $40 for the regular Endpoint Protection to $400 for File Server Security.

Avast Software s.r.o. (anteriormente denominava-se Alwil Software) uma das maiores empresas de segurana da informtica da Europa. Foi estabelecida em Abril de 1991 na cidade Praga, Repblica Checa (na poca Tchecoslovquia), com o nome Alwil Software, e desenvolve a famlia de antivrus Avast Antivirus, embora possua outros programas como Avast Browser Cleanup, Avast secure browser, Avast EasyPass, etc.

A empresa iniciou o desenvolvimento do antivrus Avast em 1988, sendo uma das pioneiras no mercado de segurana para computadores. O Avast o produto bandeira da Alwil Software, sendo essa a razo pela mudana de nome para Avast Software a.s. , em janeiro de 2007.Todos os produtos da linha Avast so completamente desenvolvidos em casa pela equipe da Alwil Software.

A Avast Software desenvolve produtos para vrias plataformas incluindo U3, PDAs, desktops e servidores. Seus produtos esto constantemente sendo aprimorados para maior compatibilidade com hardware e software.

A histria da Avast Software tem incio em 1988, quando o pesquisador checo Pavel Baudi escreve um programa para remover o vrus Vienna Virus. Baudi, ento, mostra o programa para seu colega Eduard Kuera. Foi neste momento em que criaram, juntos, a ALWIL Software, que lana a primeira verso do software antivrus Avast Antivrus. Ora, em 1988 no era permitido que as organizaes tivessem o status de empresa, tudo isso muda quando ocorre a independncia da Checoslovquia da Unio Sovitica. Ondrej Vlek junta-se a ALWIL em 1995 e cria o primeiro software antivrus para Windows 95. Em 2001, Kuera, baseado no princpio de que todos os usurios de computadores tinham o direito de ter um mnimo de proteo, cria a primeira verso free do antivrus, o atual avast! Free Antivrus. Em meados de 2011, o Avast j possuia 165 milhes de usurios registrados, com apenas 150 funcionrios. Ao final de 2012, o aplicativo avast! Mobile Security atinge a melhor classificao de aplicativos de segurana na Play Store.[2] 152ee80cbc

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