Working with CCS on macOS 10.13.3, using the Memory Browser to trace a Fault, and suddenly the display is clipping the last digit of 32-Bit Hex values, both TI Style and C Style, as well as 16-Bit C Style. I have used this feature before on a couple of computers and there were no display problems like this. I cannot find any setting to affect the font size. Resizing the Memory Browser just changes the number of columns, but the last digit in each column is always clipped. I've tried quitting CCS and restarting; I've tried closing the Memory Browser and adding it again; nothing seems to fix this.

I suppose it's possible that the multiple times I've used the Memory Browser were all under macOS Yosemite, but I feel like I've used the Memory Browser at least once on macOS 10.13.3 without this issue. Anyone have an idea of how to fix this? I can view in 64-Bit without clipped digits, but then I have to mentally reverse the order of the 32-bit values.

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JohnS said:If I bump the font up to 12 for both the memory text and the default font size then it shows the last digit ok. I am unable to reproduce on Windows so it looks Mac specific. I have filed CCDSK-3197 to track this.

This may be macOS specific, but it's not a problem with Yosemite ... not sure which releases in between are good versus bad. I run Yosemite, which is rather old, for other compatibility reasons. I only mention this because the bug fix should probably be tested on multiple macOS releases.

I recently got a refreshed credit card, so updated expiry date and 3-digit code in 1PW. New values shows in 1PW entry for that card. Autofill in browser (which is GREAT lately) got the new date but used the old code! Has anyone else seen this?

Thanks for your kind words about autofill! Sorry to hear it isn't behaving as expected here. I'd like to ask you to double check that your new 3-digit CVV code is entered in the verification number field on the credit card's 1Password entry:

Similarly, I'd recommend checking that the old code isn't still lingering anywhere in the item, lest it confuse autofill. If you've duplicated this particular item in the past, I'd also ensure that those duplicates are updated/deleted in case autofill is picking them up.

I had the old code in a text note, in case the change didn't take. 

as "old expiry 7/23 code ***" where *** is the old number

Surely I don't have to be careful what I put in the text notes ...???

Could I confirm that the autofill is coming from 1Password and not, for example, your browser's built-in password manager? We recommend turning those off to avoid any conflict with 1Password: Turn off the built-in password manager in your browser

If the issue persists, I'd like to ask you to create a new credit card item with the same information and let me know if you see the same behaviour. Is it happening across multiple websites? Any other information that you can share might help us get to the bottom of this. Thanks!

Thanks for the details, sorry to hear you've experienced this as well. We're sadly at the mercy of how websites label their fields so the best way to determine if the fix lies within the 1Password browser extension or saved item itself is to see if it behaves the same way across multiple websites.

A number literal like 37 in JavaScript code is a floating-point value, not an integer. There is no separate integer type in common everyday use. (JavaScript also has a BigInt type, but it's not designed to replace Number for everyday uses. 37 is still a number, not a BigInt.)

The JavaScript Number type is a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754 value, like double in Java or C#. This means it can represent fractional values, but there are some limits to the stored number's magnitude and precision. Very briefly, an IEEE 754 double-precision number uses 64 bits to represent 3 parts:

The mantissa (also called significand) is the part of the number representing the actual value (significant digits). The exponent is the power of 2 that the mantissa should be multiplied by. Thinking about it as scientific notation:

Many built-in operations that expect numbers first coerce their arguments to numbers (which is largely why Number objects behave similarly to number primitives). The operation can be summarized as follows:

Some operations expect integers, most notably those that work with array/string indices, date/time components, and number radixes. After performing the number coercion steps above, the result is truncated to an integer (by discarding the fractional part). If the number is Infinity, it's returned as-is. If the number is NaN or -0, it's returned as 0. The result is therefore always an integer (which is not -0) or Infinity.

JavaScript has some lower-level functions that deal with the binary encoding of integer numbers, most notably bitwise operators and TypedArray objects. Bitwise operators always convert the operands to 32-bit integers. In these cases, after converting the value to a number, the number is then normalized to the given width by first truncating the fractional part and then taking the lowest bits in the integer's two's complement encoding.

The pro-number input crowd has legitimate concerns, primarily around accessibility. A number input has native increment/decrement buttons. It has built-in validation to verify it is a number. Certain mobile devices will show a number keypad instead of the full keyboard, making it easier to enter data. Using the number input makes it easier for screen readers as well.

There are so many drawbacks related to number inputs when dealing with complex and conditional logic, much of it related to JavaScript issues, that for the past few years I've decided to avoid using it.

If you are building a form that requires conditional validations or calculations, it is hard to understate just how big of a problem this is. The fact that the number input will allow a user to enter an invalid number value but not actually retrieve that invalid value (getting a blank string instead), makes the kind of validation I routinely get asked to deliver impossible.

All of these requirements necessitate using JavaScript. Generally, those might be the minimum requirements, and additional requests usually come in after some user testing. I can't do my job without being able to access those values, whether they are valid or not.

A highly usable form will leverage JavaScript to prevent users from entering or submitting invalid data. Back-end data validation is not just enough any more. Most of us find it annoying when we go through the trouble of entering data into a form without issue, only to click submit and find out some input was invalid. Using JavaScript for this kind of validation is absolutely essential for the kind of quality user experience most of us have come to expect.

Chances are likely that you used the input type="number" because you expected an integer to represent age or quantity. However, the number input will allow for scientific notation values; for example, 2.3e4, which represents 2.3 times 10 to the power of 4, or 23,000. If the number input value grows large enough, some browsers will automatically convert your input into exponential notation.

Both of these browsers will prevent you from entering the accepted non-numeric characters more than once. However, you can place those symbols anywhere in the input, like putting the minus symbol in between digits, which would make the number invalid and therefore making that value inaccessible via JavaScript.

The ability to set the minimum and maximum number values in the number input is a nice feature to have. The increment/decrement buttons will keep the number value within these range parameters. However, you cannot completely trust it to prevent out of range values; it is possible to copy/paste a value beyond those limits.

Make sure the stakeholders are aware of this issue of visual inconsistencies across different browsers as well as inconsistencies of whatever messaging you are using to indicate invalid number input values. 152ee80cbc

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