How Literature Shaped Me?

Throughout my Master's program, I've witnessed a profound transformation in myself, particularly in how literature has shaped my perspective. Four specific works have played a pivotal role in this journey: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure, Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot, and Julian Barnes' The Only Story.

Encountering Absurdism and Nihilism through these novels provided me with new lenses to view the world. These philosophies challenged my previous assumptions and encouraged me to see things from a fresh perspective.

However, the most significant change I've experienced lies in my ability to observe. Literature has honed my observational skills, allowing me to perceive the world in a nuanced and multi-layered way (perhaps not quite eight dimensions, but definitely more than before!).**

This enhanced observation has also led me to decipher the "language" used by society, politics, and especially religion. I now recognize the ways these institutions often uphold patriarchal structures.  My observations and newfound understanding motivate me to raise my voice against injustice.

Even before pursuing my Master's, I had a voice. However, the world of literature and the atmosphere fostered by the English department have inspired me to fight against societal wrongs with greater conviction and purpose.