From 07 February 2021

In our server - Only one affinity now.

Owl Forces:


Min level: 50

Gold: 50.000.000

Main NPC: [Affinity] Owl Forces in Merak.

Affinity Merchant: [Merchant] Owl Forces in Merak.

Total points: 5.000.000

Collecting of points:

(Item - 2.000 points)

Your can kill any mobs in Cube or destroy general boss and getting Mystik cube or 15.000 point from boss.

(Monster - 50.000 points)

Affinity Rewards:

100.000 points - Old Material Purse (9999)

500.000 points - Blue Pouch of Material (9999)

2.000.000 points - Yellow Pouch of Material (9999)

4.000.000 points - Red Pouch of Material(5000)

5.000.000 points - Red Pouch of Material(9999)

Affinity Merchant:

Owl's Tablet Box - 100.000

Owl's Tablet of Condition Recovery - 200.000

Socket Reset Card - 10.000.000

[EXP/SP]Great Potion - 1.000.000

Ninja Powder - 200.000