Australasian Trade Workshop
The Australasian Trade Workshop (ATW) is an annual conference of trade economists in Australasia that is hosted by a different university in the region each year, co-ordinated by Benedikt Heid, Onur Koska and Frank Stähler.
It has its origins in the Otago Workshop in International Trade, a trade conference organized at the University of Otago in New Zealand from 2006 to 2009, and it moved to Australia under its current name in 2010.
The last conference (ATW 17) was hosted by Department of Economics and Finance in Te Kura Umanga | UC Business School of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, on the weekend of 16-17 March 2024, with local host Dr. Onur A. Koska.
The next meeting (ATW 18) will be hosted by the School of Economics and Finance at QUT, Brisbane, Australia, on the weekend of 15-16 March 2025, with local host Prof. Pascalis Raimondos. You can find the Call for Papers here.