
The Executive Board

The executive board are the people that run AustraliaSim. They do not participate in canon activity and instead administer the simulation as well as manage community behaviour. They are also unbiased towards any party. The current moderators are:

Community Managers

Community Managers help the Head Moderator uphold good behaviour in AustraliaSim. They can moderate both the Discord and the Reddits. All community managers are required to be at or above 18 years of age. The community manager is as follows:

The Electoral Team

Members of the electoral team are responsible for managing elections, polling and events to assist the Electoral Moderator. In the game, they are the board of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as well as the Australian Electoral Commission. There are no age limits to be a member of the electoral team. The members are as follows:


Clerks are responsible for managing Parliament and act as a helping hand to the Parliament Moderator. They are also there to give a helping hand to those who are new in the simulation, or if anyone needs any assistance. There are no age limits to be a clerk. The clerks are as follows: