Magnetics Society of India


Budi Purnama

Budi Purnama Curriculum Vitae

Agustinus Agung Nugroho

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,

Agustinus Agung Nugroho Curriculum Vitae

Agustinus Agung Nugroho obtained his Bachelor’s degree in physics from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1993, his Diploma from International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste, Italy, in 1995, and his Ph.D from the Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam in 2001. He then did postdocs at Material Science Center, now known as Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials in Groningen from 2002 till 2004 and extended to 2005 as a KNAW SPIN Postdoc. Since 2005 he restarted his career at Physics Department, ITB and actively collaborate with the research group at Zernike Institute for Advanced Material - University of Groningen, Institute of Experimental Physics II - University of Cologne, Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solid - Dresden and Institute for Solid State Physics (ISSP) - The University of Tokyo in investigating new materials and its new functionalities. In 2016, he was a visiting professor at ISSP and conducting research on Quantum transport properties in transition metal compounds including topological materials. His current research interest is developing methods to investigate magnetic and topological materials for thermoelectric applications. He also uses neutron scattering and µSR techniques for his research.

Currently, he is the President of the Indonesian Magnetic Society and a member of the American Physical Society