
My name is Keith Smigle. I live in Central Ohio, the mid west United States. What some consider to be the heart of Hit & Miss engine shows and collecting. I my self have gone to shows as long as I can remember and my interest is in documenting, preserving and sharing the history and equipment of the Associated Manufacturers Company of Waterloo, Iowa USA.

Keith Smigles former Old Engine website

This is a photo of me with my ca 1914 Associated "6 Mule Team" hit & miss engine.

In just a little over 2 years, this site has been viewed 10,000 times. I have communicated with Associated engine owners thru e-mail from all over the world. Such places as England, Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands, Spain, New Zealand, Australia and all over the United States. By attending shows and with the help of many people I have been able to document Associated engines and help unlock some of the mysteries and save for posterity a little of the history of this once important stationary engine producing company.

Learn what you can and if you have a photo of an engine not mentioned here and would like to add it to the growing list of engines, send me an e-mail or by mail at: Keith Smigle, PO Box 704, Delaware, Ohio 43015 USA