President's Welcome


I am honored to humbly serve as the Chapter President of the Atlanta University Center Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers for the 2019-2020 academic year. On behalf of our Chapter membership and Chapter Executive Board, I would like to offer you a warm welcome to our Chapter. To have the opportunity to serve such a large, diverse, and talented body of intelligent individuals in this capacity is a privilege for which I am very grateful. In this position, I promise to continuously strive to best serve the Chapter membership in every way possible, as well as aid the Chapter in fulfilling and embodying the NSBE mission and objectives.

Our Chapter is comprised of a plethora of unique, intelligent, and determined individuals with a wide array of interests, fields of study, experience, backgrounds, and more. Additionally, our Chapter embodies three schools present within the Atlanta University Center, which are Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, and Morehouse College. Our Chapter membership thereby constitutes individuals pursuing an education in engineering and related STEM fields, as well as individuals who are interested in furthering the positive impact of STEM in our world. This diverse set of interests, fields of study, worldviews, and talents makes for an awesome member body with great potential to leave a lasting positive impact in our community.

As President of this Chapter, I recognize and believe in the ability of our Chapter to advance this impact, as well as fulfill the mission and objectives of the Society. To facilitate these, I have set forth goals for our Chapter over the upcoming year, which are encompassed below under three main points: to set a definite, organized structure for the Chapter and the Board, to increase our Chapter’s membership, corporate partnerships, and impactful programs, and to sustain the momentum of our Chapter’s impact throughout the year and into the future.

Overall, I strongly believe that our Chapter can contribute greatly to advancing the Society's goal of graduating 10k engineers annually by 2025, promoting the status of the Society within the Atlanta University Center and surrounding community, and aid in making NSBE a “household name”. Although some of these goals may seem difficult to attain, through the coordination, unique goals, and perseverance of the Chapter Executive Board, as well as with the support of our Chapter membership, we can mobilize these goals to help our Chapter reach new heights, as well as increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community!


Miles Johnson