
For those who could not attend the conference in person or just want to take another look, all of the conference talks were livestreamed or recorded by Steven Clontz (University of South Alabama), and are available on the Open Streams in Mathematics YouTube channel.

Visit for the complete playlist with all talks. Note that Saturday's talks are merged into two videos (Morning and Afternoon) as they were originally streamed.


Welcome Speech - Gary Gruenhage

Michael Hrusak, Yukinobu Yajima, Lynne Yengulalp , Will Brian, Alan Dow


Morning - Marion Scheepers, Franklin D. Tall, Peter Nyikos, Todd Eisworth, Paul Gartside

Afternoon - Alexandar Shibakov, Santi Spadaro, Paul Szetycki, K.P. Hart, Justin Moore


Istv ́an Juh ́asz, David Milovich, Heikki Junnila, Jan van Mill