Special Conference on Set-theoretic Topology

October 20-22, 2017 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Auburn University

In honor of the 70th birthday of

Dr. Gary Gruenhage

This conference provides an opportunity for dissemination of important and recent results in the field of set-theoretic topology.

Our plenary speakers are Alan Dow (University of North Carolina Charlotte), Jan van Mill (University of Amsterdam), and Justin Moore (Cornell University).

Our other invited speakers include Will Brian (University of North Carolina Charlotte), Todd Eisworth (Ohio University), Paul Gartside (University of Pittsburgh), Klaas Pieter Hart (TU Delft), Michael Hrusak (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Istvan Juhasz (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics), Heikki J. K. Junnila (University of Helsinki), David Milovich (Texas A&M International University), Peter Nyikos (University of South Carolina), Marion Scheepers (Boise State University), Alexander Shibakov (Tennessee Technological University), Santi Spadaro (University of Catania), Paul Szeptycki (York University), Frank Tall (University of Toronto), Yukinobu Yajima (Kanagawa University), Lynne Yengulalp (University of Dayton).

Grants are available to support the travel of graduate students and early career researchers (Postdocs and Assistant Professors). If you would like to be considered for funding, simply fill out and submit the registration form by September 18th, 2017 or contact the conference organizer Dr. Ziqin Feng at zzf0006@auburn.edu.

We gratefully acknowledge support from the NSF.

A special issue in honor of Gary Gruenhage’s 70th birthday will be published in Topology and its Applications. Participants are encouraged to submit their articles to this special issue. All manuscripts will be refereed in accordance with the usual scope and high standards of the journal. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF by email to one of the guest editors of the special issue (do not use the online submission system of Topology and its Applications). To prepare a paper for submission, please follow the scope and guidelines of Topology and its Applications, which can be found in a recent issue of the journal or on the journal’s webpage.

Manuscript submission deadline: March 1st, 2018.

Guest Editors: Alan Dow (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, adow@uncc.edu) and Ziqin Feng (Auburn University, zzf0006@auburn.edu)