Academic Positions
2023 - Present: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Econometrics, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
2021 - 2023: Researcher, Örebro University, Sweden.
2017 - 2021: Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Other Affiliated Positions
Örebro University, Sweden - Researcher
Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), Australian National University - Research Associate
UK Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE) - Research Associate
2017 PhD in Economics, The Australian National University.
PhD dissertation title: Three Applications of Time-Varying Parameter and Stochastic Volatility Models to the Malaysian and Australian Economy
Advisor: Prof. Joshua Chan
Committee: Timothy Kam and Chung Tran
2013 Master of Economics/Master of Actuarial Statistics, The Australian National University.
Master’s dissertation title: Assessing the Effectiveness of Japanese Expansionary Fiscal Policy during the Period of 1967-2011
Advisor: Prof. Rodney Strachan
2010 Bachelor of Economics (Honours), University of Western Australia.
Honours’ dissertation title: Malaysia's Economic Performance During the Global Financial Crisis
Advisor: Prof. Rodney Tyers
2009 Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Commerce, University of Notre Dame Australia.
Advisors: Prof. Greg Tan and Prof. Gregory Moore
2009 Perth Scientific Award Nomination
The Australian National University
ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 - Tutor
ECON2102 Macroeconomics 2 - Tutor
ECON2101 Microeconomics 2 - Tutor
EMET1001 Econometrics - Head Tutor
EMET3007/8012 Forecasting - Head Tutor
University of Strathclyde
Introduction to Matlab - Lecturer
EC111 Introduction to Economics - Tutor
EC215 Intermediate Microeconomics - Tutor
EC413 Applied Econometrics - Lecturer and Tutor
University of Edinburgh
SGPE MSc ECNM11043 Econometrics 1 - Tutor
SGPE MSc ECNM11049 Advanced Time Series Econometrics - Tutor
SGPE MSc ECNM11060 Bayesian Econometrics - Tutor
University of Kent
ECON5430 Econometrics 2: Topics in Time Series - Course Convenor
ECON8200 Macro and Financial Econometrics - Lecturer
ECON6010 Machine Learning for Economists - Lecturer
ECOX6007 Professional Economist Dissertation - Lead Supervisor
Short Courses
UK Office of National Statistics (2020)
Bayesian Econometrics Course - Instructor
Barcelona GSE Summer School (2021)
Bayesian Time Series Methods I: Introductory - Computer lab instructor
Study Center Gerzensee, Switzerland (2022)
Bayesian Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics - Computer lab instructor
The South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre (2022)
Mixed-Frequency methods - Instructor
The South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre
Central Bank of Nepal (2023)
National Bank of Cambodia (2024)
Forecasting for Monetary and Financial Stability Policies
Nowcasting - Instructor
Forecasting with Machine Learning Techniques - Instructor
University of Strathclyde
Honours students: Adam Still (2019), Rory Brennan (2020).
SGPE Masters students: Xiao Lyu (2019).
PhD students: Ping Wu (2022).
Örebro University
Masters students: Andre Westman (2023), Calle Renberg (2023), Peter Wendel (2023).
University of Kent
Honours students: Abdifitaah Hossein, Cristina Dolghier.
PhD Thesis Examiner
Saeed Zaman - Internal Examiner (University of Strathclyde)
Professional Development Courses and Leadership
Supervising PhD students - Örebro University (2023)
University of Kent
School Seminar Coordinator
2024 University of Kent, Internal Policy Placement Funding, £3000.
2022 Torsten Söderbergs Foundation Research Grant, 1 Million Swedish krona (~£79,000).
2020 UK Office of National Statistics Research Funding Grant, £5000.
Regional Nowcasting in the UK, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence.
Refereeing Activity
Econometrics and Statistics
Economic Modelling
Empirical Economics
Energy Economics
International Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Journal of Econometrics
Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control
Journal of Financial Econometrics
Journal of Forecasting
Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C
Journal of Time Series Analysis
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Review of Economics and Statistics
Scottish Journal of Political Economy
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Conferences and Invited Seminars
2025: Seminar Presenter at the Central Bank of Ireland and Kings College London.
2024: Research Visitor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Conference Presenter at the 44th International Symposium on Forecasting and Seminar Presenter at the European Central Bank.
2023: Seminar Presenter at the South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre and Bank of Latvia. Conference Presenter at the 12th ECB Conference on Forecasting Techniques and International Association for Applied Econometrics Annual Conference.
2022: Seminar Presenter at the University of Western Australia, Monash University and University of Strathclyde. Conference Presenter at the ESCoE Conference, European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics, NBER-NSF Seminar on Bayesian Inference in Econometrics and Statistics and Swedish National Economics Conference.
2021: Conference Presenter at the ESCoE Conference, UK Office of National Statistics, Econometric Society Australasian Meeting, 11th ECB Conference on Forecasting Techniques, Australian Conference of Economists, Örebro University Financial Econometrics Workshop and Computational and Financial Econometrics conference.
2019: Conference Presenter at the Computational and Financial Econometrics conference.
2018: Seminar Presenter at Heriot-Watt University and King's College London. Conference Presenter at the National Bank of Poland Forecasting Workshop, Royal Economic Society Junior Symposium, 2nd QMUL Economics and Finance Workshop for PhD & Post-doctoral students, International Association for Applied Econometrics Annual Conference, 13th RCEA Bayesian Econometrics Workshop and European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics.
2017: Participant at the ECB Inflation Conference: Understanding Inflation: lessons from the past, lessons for the future?
2016: Research visitor at the European Central Bank.