Co-curricular Activities

Take a hike in an urban forest!

Dr. Hazen will host some physically-distanced walks to places of interest near the AU campus. Students are also encouraged to host their own excursions and share their findings with the class. This activity will support our investigations of biodiversity patterns, synanthropic organisms, and how nature affects human health and well-being.

Guest lecture:

Cat Wars

Dr. Peter Marra

Director of the Georgetown Environment Initiative

Wednesday, Feb 17th

This dynamic and thought-provoking seminar will inspire students to consider evidence-based research on domesticated cats as we explore questions about how we steward our resident Wonk Cat on the AU campus.

Guest lecture:

Urban Ecology Research in D.C. National Parks

Ann Gallagher

Urban Ecology Research Learning Alliance

March 3rd

Serving 16 parks in the National Capital Region, UERLA is a bridge between Urban Ecology research and the public through interpretive education.

AU Seminar Series: The Center for Environment, Community, and Equity (CECE)

Wednesdays from 3-4 pm this semester!

"Building Resiliency: How Local Governments Respond to Natural Disasters"

Wednesday February 3, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

"Globalization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Evidence from the United States"

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

“Concrete, contaminants, and catfish: altered geochemistry of the Anacostia and the promise of a river’s renewal”

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

“Unbreathable - The Fight For Healthy Air” Screening of the 30 min documentary and post-screening discussion.

Wednesday, April, 7 2021 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Register in advance at this link:

Create a work of art inspired by the class and share it with us!

The arts can act as a powerful tool to educate, bring awareness, and inspire change.

Consider creating an interpretive work of art based on one or all of the topics we discuss this semester and share it with the class.

If you like this idea and want to go a step further, you might also consider donating your work of art to a local community group. Or go a step further and turn this co-curricular into your final project by partnering with a local community group to plan an educational experience around your artwork. For example, you could write and organize a play, paint a mural in a public place and host an event to unveil it, or write a song or a poem and perform it live.

Sustainability Tour of American University

Explore sustainable features of the AU campus! This activity will inform discussions about AU’s impact on local ecology.

You can take a virtual tour using the link below or use the link to take a guided walking tour of the campus any time.

Stuck-at-Home-Sustainability Webinar

Tacy Lambiase

AU Sustainability Manager

This recorded webinar will support our investigations of how built environments impact human mental and physical health, as well as the natural environment.

Listen to a podcast while you make dinner/ take a walk/ go grocery shopping/ whatever!

There are a ton of great podcasts out there with information on how humans affect the environment and global ecology. Put one on to give your brain a workout while you are on the move.

Have an idea for a co-curricular activity?

Please share it with us!

Email Dr. Hazen and Yasmine if you have an idea for a co-curricular activity you'd like to see added to this page.