At Willow Springs Elementary, we focus on Positive Behavior Intervention Support which is a proactive structure  that looks at classroom discipline.  The goal is to teach behavioral expectations and then reward students as they meet goals. These are school-wide and class goals rather than individual goals.  

These goals are focused on 3 important  principles that we call The 3 B's.  

This stands for: Be Responsible, Be Safe, and Be Respectful.  

These principles guide our school and classroom behavioral expectations.  Our goal is for students to work together as a team so that a positive and fun learning environment is developed. 

S'More positive choices

Students will earn individual recognition for great choices by earning "S'more stickers"!  Each student begins on the 'graham cracker' level and when they have earned 10 s'more stickers they move up to the next layer - chocolate, marshmallow, top graham cracker.  Each time a student reaches a new level they are celebrated by their classmates.  (This also serves as a visual for ME to make sure ALL students are being recognized!)