Long Jump Officiating
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Exploring the roles at a long jump competition.
Remember there is always a need to be flexible with who undertakes which tasks.
Athlete registration or booking in
Supervise warmup on runway
Supervise warmup at the board
Position yourself at the board.
Have a set of markers, (pens, rubber feet). As athlete runs down the runway watch for where they take off from. Look at board all the time the athlete is running down, do not follow athlete into pit. Quickly place marker to side of board/ runway to indicate the front of the foot. Note sometimes the athlete could take off well before the board or well after the board. Leave marker in place until after athlete has walked back past you. If you have at least two markers then you can be ready for next athlete as soon as you have marked the previous.
Keep checking with pit judges who will be raking as to when they feel they need to rake. No need to rake after every jump in warmup.
1. Click on video and watch for athlete’s warmup run through. Where would you place the marker? Click here to reveal. Did official spot well? Note the tape down the side of the runway to assist athletes in marking out their runups. The zero position should be at near edge of plasticine board.
It can be left in place during competition in case markers get moved.
2. Click on video and watch for athlete’s warmup run through. Where would you place the marker? Click here to reveal. Did official spot well?
Raking the pit during warmup
The official supervising the warmup at the board should liaise (verbally or visually) with Pit judges who are to rake the pit. The rakers should indicate when they feel the need to rake the pit and advise the supervisor, who can close the runway either by standing on the runway or by placing a cone on the runway. (see lower down this page about raking the pit). There is no need to raker after every run through during warmup
3. Click on video and watch for athlete’s warmup run through. Where would you place the marker? Click here to reveal
4. Click on video and watch for athlete’s warmup run through. Where would you place the marker? Click here to reveal. Did official spot well?
Once warmup is complete, hopefully they have all had at least two run throughs, it is time to start the competition.
The runway should be closed and the site setup. Rakers prepare the pit, and official at the board should insert the plasticine board in place, ensuring that it is smooth and clean.
The leader should call athletes together and give a quick briefing, covering relevant points for the athletes so they can participate, enjoy and understand what will happen during the competition. Before you watch this briefing video, what might you need to tell the athletes? watch video to the right
Now that you have seen the video, which items did you not list and which items were on your list but in the video?
Athlete Briefing include example briefing sheet
Athlete call up (probably Chief Judge)
probably operating Clock and wind gauge
Call the athlete that is next to jump to be on runway. Include the athlete that will jump afterwards to be getting ready.
Start the clock.
Position your self at windgauge with hand on switch. Start gauge as athlete passes 40m cone or earlier if shorter runup.
Once reading has appeared on gauge, record on card as appropriate. (see windgauge training package)
Position your self on runway, call up next and following athlete. Turn and face pit so that you can see the moment the pit is ready for next jump. Sometimes you may be required to tell official at board to remove cone so runway is clear. Step to clock start it then move to windgauge
think about moving as a figure of 8 between clock, runway and windgauge.
Board take off , flags, measure and record
Which tasks/ duties can you see around the pit in this long jump competition? Make a list then watch video before revealing answer below video
Take off judge, watches the board for fair or foul take off
Flags, to indicate if entire attempt is fair or not.
Measure judge, reading the tape.
Measure recording, to keep the card.
Tape pull through judge, to position the tape at the board for measure to be taken.
Board repair, to repair plasticine when needed.
Spiker, to insert spiker at landing place
Pit judge, to indicate if athlete leaves pit correctly.
Rakers/ pit valet, to rake pit ready for next jump
Not in use this competition. No Scoreboard operator, No EDM operator,
no ITO (as this is not a L5 meeting), no infield spotter.
Play the video and watch what each Judge does. What would you do or do differently?
1.All judges seem to be positioned well, left hand raker might be a little further from pit. Good
2.all are paying attention to their role. Good
3.Board judge follows athlete into pit, stay focused on board even after athlete has taken off. Pit judge will communicate validity of landing and exit from pit.
4.Flag raised after athlete has left pit, good.
5.Spiker waits for athlete to leave pit so jump is officially over. Good
6.Tape pull through moves onto runway, bends and lays tape straight and flat for measurer to read. Good
When is an attempt officially ended/over?
Take off at board, measure, card 1, flags
Judge is in line with plasticine board, about 1.5m from board. Sometimes you can sit, or even kneel. Being low does enable you to look across the board well. Ensure you are looking at the board from once the athlete starts their run up, and stay looking even after they have taken off. This will enable you to ensure if a foul jump or not.
Question: what makes a jump foul at the board?
At what point should the flags be raised?
You will need to find your own way of holding flags during jump so that raising can be swift when needed.
Once athlete has completed their jump, this judge moves onto run way in order to read the tape. Do not step on board. You should practice reading a tape efficiently. Tip: as you move in, look at tape for indicator of where the metre mark is, sometimes to the left or to the right. As tape is laid down over board you should be moving eyes towards the 10cm indicator, then the 5cm mark and finally determine the actual measure. Call out loudly and record on card.
What tasks are being undertaken in this video ?
Raking is happening in background.
Spiker has left the pit.
Plasticine board is being repaired following a foul jump.
Note in this competition the repair was being undertaken by the judge who was also watching board, measuring and recording on card as well as doing flags.
Usually this task would be undertaken by judge who was doing tape pull through.
Plasticine board repair
This time tape pull through judge does repair, but leader at board also checks.
A roller is used to flatten/ smooth the 45 degree angle first, then smooth the horizontal top surface.
Sometimes a finger can smooth very well, especially on a warm day.
Check for any shoe or spike marks still in plasticine. They should be removed before next jump.
Spiking, flags and measuring Measuring, watch video and comment on tasks
Note careful positioning of spiker. Feet do not mess up marks in sand by athlete. Vertical positioning of spike.
Note care positioning of tape pull through.
Flags raised well and swiftly due manner in which they are held while waiting for jump.
Note measurer does not need to bend down as they have observed the tape being laid and has determined measure along the way.
Finally distance is called and recorded
Rakers start to level the pit once spiker has inserted spike. They should work further down the pit moving towards the spiker. Once spiker leaves pit they can finish the task.
Communicating with Chief Judge or athlete call up judge.
Why might there be a meeting of these two judges down the runway away from their judging positions?
Hopefully only time would be at the end of any round when decisions have to be made about new jumping order or qualifications at end of round 3 etc.
See tip slide next re doing the qualification, cut and reorder swiftly
Sometimes during a round there may be an athlete who is passing their jump, away from competition and this information needs to passed to leader at board for recording purposes.
How to do end of round 3 cut, reorder!
At the end of round 3 complete the column Best of 3 with each athlete's best performance so far
In the position column place a diagonal line in each box from bottom left to top right
In the upper triangle of each cell write the number of position each athlete is currently in based on their best performance so far. only give positions for the number of athletes qualifying for a further three rounds of jumps.
Finally in each bottom triangle of each box place a number that makes the left triangle number add up to one more than the number of athletes going through to next round. In this case each pair needs to add to 9. This gives you the jumping order for round 4 when reversing after 3 jumps.
How would you comment on the execution of the tasks in this video
Spiker, waits for athlete to leave pit, so jump is over; moves in swiftly watching carefully where they step so as not to mess up athlete’s marks; Spike is inserted vertically; spiker leaves pit swiftly once measurement is taken, listen for call.
Rakers move into rake once spiker is in place and move towards spiker, finishing once spiker leaves pit.
Note: what is role of adult in blue shorts on right? What would you as leader do?
what has happened here?
Athlete does not appear to have jumped, but run through.
Spiker confirms with board judge that there was no foul at board; that athlete has left pit legally; so attempt is valid and needs to be measured.
What should athlete have done if they did not want attempt measured?
Rakers have waited until white flag is raised and spiker has spiked.
The attempt appears as though athlete did not jump and is quite short, but all aspects of attempt are valid and athlete has left the pit.
Spikers waits, quite a while, until athlete leaves pit and so attempt is over, and then moves into pit.
Movement in pit is careful so as not to disturb any marks that are needed. Pay special attention is you are going to mark any trailing hands that you do not mess up foot mark in case athlete protests.
Spike is positioned at mark made by athlete that is closest to take off board. Spike should be vertical.
Note tape loop is on spike. Look to see where zero is on tape at loop.
Once spiked listen and watch for indication that measurement has been taken so spiker can leave pit quickly.
Final card
Should you have any observations, comments, issues or questions on any of the above please feel free to contact me on stevethedoc@hotmail.com
Finally the card requires completion. in best performance column enter each athlete's best performance over all 6 rounds. The in position column establish who jumped furthest - 1st place etc.
Once this is done fill in bottom of card, sign it and check result with other official and hand to to referee.