
Theme: (M)other/ed Tongue


In her poem, “Dreaming in Gujarati,” Shailja Patel asks the following: “When we lose language / does culture die?” We open with this question to contemplate and take seriously the ways in which cultural identity is framed and shaped by language in the way Gloria Anzaldúa does in “How to Tame a Wild Tongue.” In her essay, Anzaldúa reveals several complexities and nuances about language: attempts to erase culture, questions about belonging, linguistic borders, and ways to embrace one’s own tongue. Like her, we are interested in examining and interrogating how languages are destroyed, revitalized, and sustained. We are interested in a careful, complex, and nuanced reflection of the (m)other/ed tongue, and we seek abstracts of 150-200 words that specifically situate live(d) experiences and personal narratives


Suggested topics include but are not limited to:   



We are looking for pieces that are in the following form: 



Co-authored pieces are welcome, but please note that this journal is only open to currently enrolled students, and specifically Indigenous, Black, Brown, and/or Asian graduate students, at York University. We also request submissions of works that have not been published elsewhere or that do not require ethics approval. 


Abstracts of 150-200 words can be submitted to as a Word doc with the email header, “Abstract/Proposal Submission for At the Margins” using your York University email.  


Please also make note of the following deadlines:



Feel free to contact us with any questions or thoughts. We are excited to work with you!