This is as list of astronomy topics with associated remote lessons
These are in Google Docs, and will require you to make a copy. If for some reason I mistakenly did not grant access-just request it.
Topic: The moon
Sub topics: Craters, early atmosphere, Earth's history, forces and motion, collisions, mutual gravitation, erosion, changes to Earth's surface, the role of water
Impact crater formation and degradation (background reading)
Comparing craters/crater analysis lab
Impact sites on Earth with Google Earth impact craters
(grade 11-12) Impacts! Near Earth Object Investigation (with Impact Earth)
(grade 8-10) Impacts
Impact Earth student designed investigation (uses flash)
(grade 8-10) (grade 11-12) Creating Craters (non-virtual)
Moon Phases:
How do you think moon phases occur? (For Google Classroom: student manipulated slides)
Moon phases Google Drawing (student manipulative)
Moon phases simulation investigation (with options for home materials modeling)
Moon phase quiz (google drawing
Check out Infiniscope! This gameing based investigation teaches moon phases in a fun way!
Topic: Starlight
Subtopics: atomic spectra, characteristics and behavior of light, stellar evolution, measuring galaxies, information from stars, universal expansion, models of nuclei, measuring stars, classifying stars