Project Details


Step 1: Artificial Intelligence

To track the shooter throughout the building, we will need to both be able to identify and reidentify the shooter throughout the building. In order to do this, we will use both audio and video recognition algorithms. These algorithms will be trained on datasets of shooters moving throughout a building, as well as the sound of a gunshot in various locations.

Step 2: Egress Routing

Once the shooter's location is known, it becomes vital that civilians move away from the shooter. There are a few problems with such a simple approach of "away from the shooter," however. These problems include the likes of hallway crowding, where too many classrooms try to fit through a choke point in the building at the same time; or line of sight, where a classroom could be safer staying in the same location so as to not be seen by the shooter. The routing team is working to build an algorithm to move civilians to safety while still taking these intricacies into account.

Step 3: Communication

The communication team's job is to make sure the civilians know what to do at what time, and to make it as likely as possible for them to follow the instructions. Standard forms of emergency communication such as text or email can be slow due to poor signal, or late information. Combining the smart routing algorithm with easily accessible information will help classrooms reach safety with ease. The team is looking into multiple options, such as smart speaker systems, dynamic exit signs, and a smart phone app for teachers.

Step 4: Implementation

This is where it all comes together. After fully training the AI, developing the algorithms, and testing communication options, the team will present the complete product to local schools for real-world testing. This team is dedicated to working with schools and administration to determine what they need, what is affordable, and working to test the products as we move forward.