Prior studies

Drs. Baker, Heffernan, & Ocumpaugh have conducted several studies related to student affect (as inferred by Baker's team).

  1. Paper reporting on affect measures available in the data set:
  2. First prediction paper, showing that ASSISTments data (and the variables available in this data set) predict state test scores:
  3. Second prediction paper, showing that these variables predict who enrolls in college several years after using ASSISTments:
  4. Third prediction paper, showing that these variables can predict college major:
  5. Additional paper, exploring role of gaming the system in college major:
  6. Paper exploring the degree to which affect models generalize across students from urban, suburban, and rural areas:
  7. Recent papers presenting enhancements to affective models:
  8. If you are interested in the method used to collect measures of behavior and affect (which were used to create affect models), you may want to look at the BROMP training manual.