Data Mining Competition 2017: Final Submission and Prize Announcement

Dear participants,

As the competition is coming to an end this Friday, December 1st, 2017, we have a few announcements regarding the final submissions and scoring.

1. For your final score, we will use your latest submission as your final submission. We are extending the submission deadline to December 3rd, 2017 at 23:59 EST, meaning that each participant will still be able to submit before noon EST to see their score on the validation set before submitting different predictions after noon EST as a final submission, if desired. No further extensions will be granted.

2. We intend to announce the winners once two things happen: 1) we first determine individuals who are comfortable listing their name on the final scoreboard and 2) those persons submit their code and a short description. We expect this to take several weeks before we are able to publicly recognize the winner. This scoreboard will show your names and your final scores. No emails addresses will be made public. If you would like to opt-out from the final scoreboard, please reply to this email. Each participant will be personally informed of their final submission scores on this day as well, regardless of whether they opt-out or not.

3. The final prize of this competition, apart from scientific discovery and knowledge, is an invitation to submit for a special issue of the Journal of Education Data Mining (JEDM). The top several participants in the final scoreboards will be invited to submit. If you choose to opt-out from the final scoreboard, you also opt-out from the prize as well. Due to the selective nature of the journal, we would like to first invite those participants to submit to a special workshop that will be held at the International Conference on Educational Data Mining in Buffalo, NY, in Summer 2018. This will allow participants to hone their discussion of their findings to help increase the chance the paper will accepted to the Journal. For those of your not familiar with a EDM or how such workshop works, it will be a day long event where the different competitions will each get a chance to explain what they did to each other, and to the workshop organizers. Each person or group submitting to the workshop will be expected to write a paper explaining what they did to the journal special issue, but also exchange and collaborate with their peers as well. We welcome newcomers to the field, and to academic publishing, and will be pleased to help participants prepare their work for submission and presentation. We want to see EDM grow as a community so are excited to help folks better get involved.

To be eligible for the final prize, participants must fill in this form by December 15th, 2017 at noon EST, which requires participants to:

- Submit the code you used to produce your final submission.

- Submit a short description (about a paragraph) on what you did and how you arrived at the solutions. You can also include what scientific discovery or discoveries you made throughout the competitions.

Note: you are required to login to your Google account in order to fill the form. That account does not have to match the email you use to register for the competition. You must, however, provide the email you used to register in the form so that we are able to match your response with your submission. If you are unable to access and/or submit using the form, please contact us at so that we can arrange code submission manually.

Best regards,

ASSISTments Data Mining Team