


Akers, Christopher

Almheiri, Ahmed

Benjamin, Nathan

Bousso, Raphael

Cremonini, Sera

Dei, Andrea

Keeler, Cynthia

Kang, Monica

Kraus, Per

Kusuki, Yuya

Pal, Sridip

Penington, Geoffrey

Perlmutter, Eric

Shaghoulian, Edgar

Zhao, Ying

Iliesiu, Luca


Black holes as non-isometric codes

On the interior of an energy eigenstate black hole

Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions

Singularities From Entropy

Black Holes, Higher Derivatives and WGC Constraints

String correlators on AdS_3

Hidden Conformal Symmetries from Killing Towers

Nonperturbative gravity corrections to bulk reconstruction

3d quantum gravity in finite volume

Analytic Bootstrap in 2D Boundary Conformal Field Theory

Spectral geometry of Hyperbolic manifold and CFT

Quantum Minimal Surfaces from Quantum Error Correction

Supergravity as SL(2,Z)-Averaged Strings

The central dogma and cosmological horizons

Collisions between localized shocks

Gravity factorized - Alpha-states, null-states and the quantum mechanical dual of canonical JT gravity

Schedule per day

View schedule per day below (includes abstract if provided). Every talk is 40 minutes.

Sunday February 13

8:15am Welcome

8:30am Per Kraus, "3d quantum gravity in finite volume"

9:30am Edgar Shaghoulian, "The central dogma and cosmological horizons"


4:30pm Monica Kang , "Nonperturbative gravity corrections to bulk reconstruction"

5:30pm Raphael Bousso, "Singularities From Entropy"

Monday February 14

8:30am Ying Zhao, "Collisions between localized shocks"

9:30am Luca Iliesiu, "Gravity factorized - Alpha-states, null-states and the quantum mechanical dual of canonical JT gravity"

Abstract: We find models of two-dimensional gravity that resolve the factorization puzzle and have a discrete spectrum, whilst retaining a semiclassical description. A novelty of these models is that they contain non-trivially correlated spacetime branes or, equivalently, nonlocal interactions in their action. Such nonlocal correlations are motivated in the low-energy gravity theory by integrating out UV degrees of freedom. Demanding factorization fixes all non-local interactions, and the exact geometric expansion of the partition function collapses to only two terms: the black hole saddle and a subleading ``half-wormhole'' geometry, whose sum yields the desired discrete spectrum. I will explain how each such model of dilaton-gravity determines an \alpha-state in the baby universe Hilbert space of JT gravity. Equivalences between different dilaton theories, in turn, determine all the null states in this Hilbert space. Finally, time permitting, I will describe a new quantum mechanical dual of the two-dimensional black hole solution found in JT gravity with a conventional discrete spectrum.

Work from with Jorrit Kruthoff and Andreas Blommaert from as well as work in progress.

For a different perspective on our work, feel free to watch


4:30pm Cynthia Keeler, "Hidden Conformal Symmetries from Killing Towers"

5:30pm Ahmed Almheiri, "On the interior of an energy eigenstate black hole"

Tuesday February 15

8:30am Nathan Benjamin, "Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions"

Abstract: I will discuss applying the theory of harmonic analysis on the fundamental domain of SL(2,Z) to partition functions of 2d conformal field theories. As an application I will decompose the partition function of c free bosons on a Narain lattice into eigenfunctions of the Laplacians of worldsheet moduli space H/SL(2,Z) and of target space moduli space O(c,c;Z)\O(c,c;R)/O(c)xO(c). This decomposition will make certain properties of Narain theories including their ensemble averages manifest. Time permitting, I will also discuss applying harmonic analysis to a general irrational 2d CFT and its connection with gravity in AdS3.

9:30am Sridip Pal, "Spectral geometry of Hyperbolic manifold and CFT"


4:30pm Yuya Kusuki, "Analytic Bootstrap in 2D Boundary Conformal Field Theory"

5:30pm Andrea Dei, "String correlators on AdS_3"

Wednesday February 16

8:30am Eric Perlmutter, "Supergravity as SL(2,Z)-Averaged Strings"

9:30am Sera Cremonini, "Black Holes, Higher Derivatives and WGC Constraints"


4:30pm Physics Cafe: Ahmed Almheiri and Ying Zhao

5:30pm Public Lecture: Alejandra Castro

Thursday February 17

8:30am Geoff Penington, "Quantum Minimal Surfaces from Quantum Error Correction"

9:30am Chris Akers, "Quantum Minimal Surfaces from Quantum Error Correction"

Last update on Feb 8th.