Practical Information

Travel advice: Travel Insurance

For participants travelling to Aspen, we strongly recommend you get travel insurance and one that ideally covers quarantine expenses in case you get Covid-19 (which we really hope you won't!). Check with your home institution if insurance is already provided, or if they would reimburse for additional costs due to quarantine requirements or medical expenses. We will do our best to keep everyone safe, still it is better to be cautious!

Covid-19 measures at ACP

Currently, the ACP protocols include:

  1. requirement of a negative test before travelling;

  2. required vaccination boost for those eligible, otherwise full vaccination;

  3. the Center will provide and confidentially record daily antigen tests for all participants, with a multi-test protocol and availability of rapid PCR tests to minimize false positives and with anonymous contact tracing of positive tests;

  4. the Center will provide and require participants to wear KN95 (or N95) masks while indoors at the Center.

Online Format

The conference will have an online component for those that cannot travel. At this stage, if you are online participant you should expect:

  1. connect to the talks in real time via zoom;

  2. be able to watch recordings of the talks afterwards.

We are still working on other online/hybrid aspects of the conference (e.g. Slack workspace, coffee breaks, etc.), and more information will be available soon.