How to fix aol desktop errors?

How To Fix AOL Desktop Error

Last night, I was using aol desktop gold to access the emails. Suddenely it crashed and start giving me error 104. At that time, I tried to fix it using multiple tricks, but none of them worked for me.

So I decided to take help from my brother. He went ahead and fixed the problem for me. Here, I am going to share some useful tricks to fix the problem. If you are also going through the same kind of problem, you need to visit askprob community and follow the instructions to fix the problem.

1. Whenever your aol desktop is not working properly. You should quite the program from the task bar and then try to reopen it. let’s see if it is opening now or not.

2. If it is not opening the program properly. you should reboot the computer once, and then try to access the computer again. Let’s see what happens now.

3. If you have tried all these steps but somehow, you still can’t access the desktop software. It means the software needs an update or it is corrupted. So you should check for the update first. If you don’t find any update. You should uninstall the program from your computer, now download the new software and install it into your network again. This will help you in fixing the problem.

Read more about : aol desktop error 104

So these are the tricks to fix the problem. If you are also going through such kind of problem, you should visit askprob community and follow the instructions to fix the problem. Ask prob community will help you in resolving all kind of problems releted to the aol mail and desktop.

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