Ask Moona

Privacy Policy



- Brief introduction to the app and its services. 

- Commitment to protecting user privacy and personal data. 

- Information Collection and Use 

- Types of data collected: Birth date, hour of birth, email address. 

- Purpose of data collection: To provide personalized astrology readings and related services. 

- Method of data collection: Directly from users via the app interface.  

Data Storage and Security:

- Description of data storage methods and duration. 

- Security measures in place to protect user data. 

- Statement on compliance with industry standards for data security. 

Sharing of Information:

- Circumstances under which data may be shared (legal obligations, third-party service providers). 

- Assurance that data will not be sold or used for unrelated purposes. 

- Details about any third-party services providers and their role in data processing. 

User Rights:

- User rights regarding their data (access, update, delete). 

- Instructions on how users can exercise these rights. 

Use of AI and ChatGPT:

- Explanation of the role of AI and ChatGPT in providing services. 

- Commitment to ethical use of AI technologies. 

International Data Transfer:

- Information on cross-border data transfers, if applicable. 

- Compliance with international data protection laws. 

Children’s Privacy:

- Policy regarding the collection of data from children. 

- Age restrictions and parental consent processes, if applicable.  

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

- Statement on how and when the policy may be updated. 

- Method of communicating changes to users. 

Contact Information:

- Contact details for privacy-related questions and concerns.  

Effective Date:

- The date when the privacy policy becomes effective. 

Privacy Policy Introduction 

Welcome to Ask Moona  

Welcome to Ask Moona, a unique astrology app designed to bring personalized astrological insights directly to your fingertips. Our app harnesses the power of advanced artificial intelligence, including ChatGPT, to interpret astrological data in a way that is both insightful and meaningful to our users. By integrating cutting-edge technology with the ancient wisdom of astrology, we offer personalized readings and predictions based on your birth date and hour of birth. 

Our Commitment to Your Privacy  

At Ask Moona, we deeply value the trust you place in us when you share your personal information. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of your personal data. This privacy policy is our pledge to handle your data responsibly and to provide you with a safe, secure, and private experience. 

Our privacy practices are designed to provide a high level of protection for your personal information and our method of data collection and use is transparent, ensuring that you remain informed and in control of your information. We adhere to strict data protection principles and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the handling and protection of your personal data. 

As you embark on a journey of astrological discovery with Ask Moona, rest assured that safeguarding your privacy is at the core of everything we do. 

Information Collection and Use  

Types of Data Collected  

At Ask Moona, we are dedicated to providing tailored astrological insights. To achieve this, we collect certain personal information, which includes:  

Birth Date: Your date of birth is essential for generating accurate astrological predictions. 

Hour of Birth: The time of your birth allows us to fine-tune our astrological analyses for more personalized readings. 

Location of Birth: We also require the city and country of your birth, which plays a crucial role in astrological calculations, particularly for aspects like for example your ascendant and moon sign. 

Email Address: Your email address is used for account registration and management, and to communicate important updates or information about our services. 

Gender: Your gender is collected to allow for a more personalized astrological experience, as some readings and insights may vary based on gender-specific data. 

Sexual Orientation: We collect information about your sexual orientation to provide you with more relevant astrological predictions and improved user experience, especially in areas concerning relationships and personal compatibility. 

Relationship Status: Understanding your relationship status helps us to tailor the astrological advice to better suit your current life circumstances, whether single, in a relationship, or navigating other complexities of personal connections. 

User-Generated Content: Any additional information, queries, or details you provide during interactions with the AI within the app, including ChatGPT, will be collected. This may encompass a wide range of data points that you choose to share in the context of seeking personalized astrological advice. 

Purpose of General Data Collection 

The collection of this information serves the sole purpose of providing you with customized astrological readings and enhancing your overall experience with our app. Your birth date, hour, and location are vital for creating an accurate astrological profile. Your email address facilitates effective communication between you and our service, ensuring you stay informed about your readings and any significant updates to the app.  

Purpose of Data Collection for AI Processing 

The user-generated content is collected to enable the AI, including ChatGPT, to process your questions and provide accurate, contextually relevant astrological readings and responses. This interaction allows for a dynamic and tailored user experience, as the AI adapts and responds to the unique information you provide. 

Method of Data Collection 

We gather this information directly from you when you sign up and interact with our app. During the registration process on Ask Moona, you will be asked to provide your birth date, birth hour, and the city of your birth, along with your email address. This approach allows us to ensure the accuracy of the information and gives you full control over the personal data you choose to share with us.  

AI Data Processing and User Interaction 

Please be aware that as part of our AI's functioning, it learns from user input to improve the quality and relevance of its responses. However, this does not mean your personally identifiable information is used for any other purposes beyond providing the services of Ask Moona. All interactions with the AI are designed with privacy in mind, ensuring that your data is handled responsibly and in accordance with this policy. 

Data Storage Methods and Duration 

At Ask Moona, we employ advanced and reliable data storage solutions to manage the information you trust us with. Our storage infrastructure is designed to securely house your data for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our services, or for other essential purposes such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our policies. 

Data Retention: Your personal data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this privacy policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. 

Data Deletion: Upon your request, or after the conclusion of the necessary retention period, your personal data is deleted or anonymized in a manner that it can no longer be used to identify you. 

Security Measures  

To protect your personal information, we implement a variety of security measures:  

Encryption: Data is encrypted in transit and at rest, ensuring that your sensitive information is securely encoded. 

Access Control: Strict access controls are in place to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your personal data, and only for designated purposes. 

Regular Audits: We conduct regular security audits to identify and remediate potential vulnerabilities in our system.  

Compliance with Industry Standards  

Ask Moona is committed to upholding the highest data security standards. We regularly review our systems and processes to ensure compliance with industry best practices and regulatory requirements. Our security protocols are in alignment with internationally recognized standards, and we continually adapt to the evolving landscape of data security. 

Certifications and Standards: We maintain certifications and adhere to standards such as ISO/IEC 27001, ensuring our commitment to security excellence. 

Continuous Improvement: Our security measures are regularly updated to respond to new challenges and to the feedback from our security audits and compliance reviews. 

By taking proactive steps to protect your data, we strive to not only meet but exceed industry standards for data security, giving you peace of mind that your personal information is in safe hands. 

Sharing of Information 

Circumstances of Data Sharing  

At Ask Moona, we recognize that your personal information is private, and we are committed to keeping it that way. We share your information only under the following circumstances:  

Legal Obligations: If we are required by law, such as through a subpoena or similar legal process, we may share your information with law enforcement or other government agencies. 

Service Providers: We engage with trusted third-party service providers who perform services on our behalf. These services may include payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting services, customer service, and marketing efforts. We only provide these companies with the information they need to perform their services, and they are obligated not to disclose or use it for other purposes.  

Assurances Against Misuse of Data  

No Sale of Data: We do not sell your personal information to third parties. Your data is used exclusively to provide and improve the services offered by Ask Moona. 

Unrelated Purposes: We do not use your personal data for purposes that are unrelated to the services we provide without your explicit consent.  

Third-Party Service Providers 

Roles and Responsibilities: Our third-party service providers are carefully selected and are only given the information necessary to perform their specific services. They are required to protect your information and may not use it for any purpose other than to provide their contracted services. 

Agreements and Compliance: All third-party service providers are bound by confidentiality agreements and are expected to comply with our privacy policies and all applicable data protection regulations. 

Transparency: We remain transparent about the third-party service providers we use and the roles they play in our data processing activities.

User Rights 

Your Rights Over Your Data 

At Ask Moona, we empower you with the following rights over your data: 

Access: You have the right to access your personal information to verify the legality of our use of it. You can request a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format. 

Update: If any of the information you have provided to us changes, for example, if you change your email address, you are encouraged to inform us so we can update your personal information. 

Delete: You have the right to request that we delete your personal information when it is no longer necessary for us to retain it or if you wish to withdraw consent. 

How to Exercise Your Rights  

To exercise any of these rights, please follow the instructions provided within the app or contact our customer service team directly. Here's how: 

In-App Options: Navigate to the app's settings where you can directly access and update your personal information. If you wish to delete your account, you may do so within the app which will remove your personal data from our active databases. 

Customer Service Contact: If you require assistance or prefer personal interaction, our customer service team is available to help you with your data requests. You can reach out to us via or directly via the app in the "Contact us / Need Help ?" section available in your settings. We will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe and notify you of the actions taken. 

International Data Transfer 

Cross-Border Data Transfers  

In providing Ask Moona services, we may transfer personal information across national borders. This international transfer of data is necessary to provide you with the app's full functionality and to perform the services as outlined in this privacy policy. When we transfer your data internationally, we take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy and all applicable data protection laws. 

Compliance with Data Protection Laws  

Our commitment to protecting your personal information extends beyond borders. We comply with international data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for users in the European Union, ensuring that: 

Adequacy Decisions: Where we transfer personal data outside of the EU, we do so with countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the European Commission, or we use specific contracts approved by the European Commission which give personal data the same protection it has in Europe. 

Safeguard Measures: We implement appropriate safeguards, including standard contractual clauses and privacy shield frameworks, for data transferred outside of its country of origin. 

Transparency: Users will be informed of any changes in the way we handle data, including international transfers, through updates to this privacy policy. 

We recognize the importance of maintaining the integrity and security of your personal information, no matter where it is processed or stored. 

Children’s Privacy 

Collection of Data from Children 

Ask Moona recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy and safety of children. Our services are not designed for, nor intentionally targeted at, children under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children below this age. If we become aware that we havecollected personal information from a child without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers. 

Age Restrictions and Parental Consent 

Age Limitation: We restrict the use of our services to individuals age 13 and above. We do not knowingly engage or allow anyone under this age to register for our services. 

Parental Consent Process: For users in jurisdictions that require parental consent for the collection of information from children under a certain age, our app includes measures to verify parental consent, ensuring compliance with such regulations as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) or any other applicable local legislation. 

Parental Control: Parents or legal guardians of children under the applicable age can contact us to review, request deletion, or prohibit the further collection or use of their children's personal information. 

We encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children's online activities and interests. 

Changes to the Privacy Policy 

Updates to the Policy 

Ask Moona reserves the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time and from time to time without prior notice. However, we will not make any drastic changes to how we treat your personal information without informing you and giving you the chance to consent to our new practices. We will post any changes to our policy on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice.  

Communicating Changes 

Notification: We will notify you of any changes to our privacy policy through the app's notification system or via the email address associated with your account. 

Acknowledgment: Depending on the nature of the changes, we may ask for your acknowledgment of our new privacy policy, or explicitly ask for your consent. 

Record of Changes: The date of the last revision of the privacy policy will always be posted at the top of this page so that you can see when it was last amended.  

We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting the personal information we collect. Your continued use of Ask Moona after any changes or revisions to this privacy policy shall indicate your agreement with the terms of such revised privacy policy. 

Contact Information 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the practices of this site, please contact us at:  


Our dedicated privacy team is committed to addressing all of your privacy-related inquiries with the urgency and care they deserve. We aim to respond to all queries promptly and efficiently. 

This Privacy Policy becomes effective as of [Insert Effective Date].  

Please note that by continuing to use Ask Moona after this date, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.