
I drew this in my Drawing One course with Lehigh Carbon Community College at the Baum School of Art in the Spring 2017 semester. We had to draw something that shows an emotion. I drew this drawing with charcoal and conté pencils from a photograph. This piece was featured in the 2017 Student Art Show at Moravian College.

I drew these in my Drawing One course with Lehigh Carbon Community College at the Baum School of Art in the Spring 2017 semester. We had to draw a still life set up that was in front of us. The first one is drawn in pen and the second one is drawn in charcoal.

I drew these in my Drawing One course with Lehigh Carbon Community College at the Baum School of Art in the Spring 2017 semester. We had to draw a still life set up that was in front of us. They are all drawn in pencil.

I drew these in my Drawing One course with Lehigh Carbon Community College at the Baum School of Art in the Spring 2017 semester. We had to draw an object that was in front of us and then add contour lines to show the shape of the object.

I drew these in my Two-Dimensional Design with Lehigh Carbon Community College at the Baum School of Art in the Fall 2016 semester. Both the bottle of flowers and the statue of a nose are drawn in charcoal.

I drew this in May of 2016.

I drew this in my Advertising/ Commercial Design Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2015-2016 school year. This was just for a daily sketch. I went further than just a sketch by adding color in Photoshop.

I made this with scratch board for an assignment in my Advertising/ Commercial Design Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2015-2016 school year.

I drew this in my Advertising/ Commercial Design Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2015-2016 school year. This was for a daily sketch.

I drew this still life with colored pencil in my Advertising/ Commercial Design Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2015-2016 school year. We had to draw the still life as accurately as possible.

I drew this in my Advertising Design/ Photography Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2013-2014 school year. This assignment was to practice drawing with pen and ink.

I drew these in my Advertising Design/ Photography Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2013-2014 school year. These two assignments were to practice drawing in marker.

I drew these in my Advertising Design/Photography Lab at Lehigh Career and Technical Institute in the 2013-2014 school year. Two of the drawings were to practice two-point perspective and the other assignment was to practice three-point perspective.