Travelling has been a huge part of my life. I love to go to new places and learn all that I can about that place. Travelling has opened up my world and I have met some truly incredible people all around the world. There are so many places I still dream of seeing. Below are the places I've been to so far and a very small description of my time there. 

Acapulco, Mexico

At sixteen, I spent ten days in Mexico drilling freshwater wells in memory of my late aunt. This was my very first time leaving Canada. 

London, England

I spent two weeks in London, England for a Macroeconomics course. We fit in a lot of sightseeing - the London Eye, St. Paul's Cathedral, the London Zoo, the Tower of London, Abbey Road and  a river tour of the Thames to name a few!

Las Vegas, USA

I went to Las Vegas with some coworkers for four days in 2013. We stayed on the strip and visited every hotel along the famous Vegas Strip. We watched many fountain shows and took in a Cirque du Soleil performance. I also went on my first (and last) rollercoaster ride. 


I lived in Australia for three and a half months. I spent most of the time in Townsville but also visited the Whitsundays and Sydney. There was a large hill behind where I was staying, and hiked it regularly to catch beautiful sunrises. The first seven weeks in Australia, I lived on a boat and the remainder of the time was at a place ten minutes to the beach. Almost every day, I walked down to beach. 

Papua New Guinea

For a month and a half, I volunteered with an organization that travelled through remote parts of Papua New Guinea, doing medical assessments and running programs for children and youth. 

Montana, USA

I visited Montana to stand as the maid of honour at one of my best friend's wedding. 

Quito, Ecuador

In 2018, I spent two weeks in Ecuador. The group I went with helped out a small post-secondary school and provided programming for children and youth in neighbouring villages in the Amazon jungle.  We also did a hike, where I ended up sliding down a small hill (see photo).

Cabo, Mexico

I spent four days at an all-inclusive resort with my best friend. We went on many adventures, like hitchhiking to the next town, ATV riding, horseback riding on the beach, and a sailboat cruise. 

Phuket, Thailand

In 2020, I visited Thailand to learn about human trafficking. I met with leaders from an organization in Phuket working with survivors to get them out of the sex industry by providing training for other jobs. I also learned about Buddhism and some traditional Thai culture. 

Seoul, South Korea

As I was returning home from Thailand, I stopped in South Korea for a day and a half. I didn't do too much here, but I managed to navigate their subway system, find some good places to eat, do a little shopping and some sightseeing.