National Survey of Family Growth analysis


The National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) gathers information on family life, marriage and divorce, pregnancy, infertility, use of contraception, and men’s and women’s health. The survey results are used by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and others to plan health services and health education programs and to do statistical studies of families, fertility, and health.

do first babies come earlier than other babies?

compare live first delivery and live other deliveries' pregnancy duration. less likely too early preterm and preterm deliveries for first babies and more likely to post-term deliveries than other babies(not first baby). term deliveries are also less likely than other babies.

do first babies come later for the same mother?

most likely in all responses for the same mother also have a high probability of in-term delivery. other than all mothers responses the same mother has a high probability of early delivery length in first baby. as in all mothers same mother also have low probability to in-term delivery on first baby other than other babies.

do higher-income families have higher live births?

  • majority of respondents are between their 20-30 when they conception and delivered.

  • majority of respondents are between 30-50 when they are interviewed. it's a good condition to have because respondents have enough time to have multiple pregnancies in her life.

  • non-alive births are more likely high in high-income rate groups than other income rate groups.

  • only one live birth is more probable in high-income groups.

How did pregnancy end?

more likely to have live birthed and less likely to have dead birth. most dead births are miscarriages. induced abortion is the second common outcome. non-live outcomes are more likely to happen in more than four pregnancies. very few of them smokes after they knew they were pregnant. most smokers smoke 2-4 cigars for a day. more likely to non-live birth among 15-24 cares smokers and 5-14 cigars smokers. live-births more likely among non-smokers than smokers. and smokers have more miscarriages than non-smokers.
