sri lanka covid-19 situation dashboard


we mainly try to find how lockdowns effect to spread of virus and how pandemic effect community in education and the economy also how we can accomplish fully vaccination. then we compare Sri Lankan situation with the region and all over the world. we drill down a local situation into districts and clusters.

Data collection and Research

  • Ashen Iranga Hewarathna

  • Amila Prasanga Munasingha

Data collection

Our main data source was our world data set about covid-19. we filter subpart of that data set which relevant to Sri Lanka. we use the arbitrary imputation method to fill na values before the first case is recorded. there are also irregularities in this data may be because some records didn't release daily basis. in that scenario, we use the forward filling imputation method. we used government daily records reports which are in pdf format to get data about how cases distribute through districts and also hospital data. we use some local and international media reports to get more data on lockdowns and travel restrictions.


Sometimes country officials change reporting to include or exclude a certain category of infections or deaths, which can lead to a significant increase or decrease in total and what they reported previously. specially in district data.

How to run this project on the local machine

if you want to run this project on your local machine you need few libraries:

  • Numpy

  • pandas

  • flask

  • plotly

  • dash

  • Statmodel

Data Sources

local media reports -
