All Saints FAQ

All Saints Elementary FAQs

Is All Saints a Catholic School?

All Saints is an independent school with no affiliation to the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. All Saints does however teach Catholic values and a Catholic curriculum. Students from grades Kindergarten through sixth grade attend First Friday Mass as well as all Holy Days at St. Patrick’s parish on Schuyler St. Students walk to mass as a class (weather permitting).

Why All Saints?

Stability. Yes, stability. We control our destiny, and we seek parental input. All Saints works to develop the whole child, focus on values like respect, family, and community; and while we adhere to NYS standards, we strive to avoid unnecessary testing.

What “special” area classes do the children attend?

All grade levels, Pre K 3 - 6th grade attend art, library/media, music and gym.

Do the students wear uniforms?

Students in grades Kindergarten - 6th grade wear uniforms purchased through French Toast. Uniforms can be purchased through mail (catalog) or online at French Toast. Students also wear gym uniforms which can be purchased in September (Parent Night).

Are the teachers certified?

All classroom teachers are certified through the New York State Department of Education.

Does All Saints have any sports teams?

The creation of teams is currently in discussion.

How is tuition collected?

All Saints accepts payments monthly, quarterly or for the year. Monthly payments are made before the start of the month, quarterly payments are accepted at the beginning of each quarter and annual payments are accepted at or before the start of the school year. Payment can be completed with cash, check, credit, through PayPal or automatic deductions from your checking account.

How can All Saints keep the tuition so low?

Low overhead. Being independent - all costs are maintained within the building. Not one cent of your tuition payment is sent to some bureaucrat you’ve never met sitting in a building you’ve never set foot in. There’s no smoke and mirrors, what you see is definitely what you get. Make no mistake though; while we may be “no frills,” we provide a quality product when it comes to your child’s education.

I don’t get it, if all these other schools are closing what is All Saints doing differently?

If you’re looking for some magical answer to this question you won’t find it. We work with parents. (This doesn’t mean we just do whatever parents want, but we do try to accommodate their requests and ideas.) We keep it affordable. This is not rocket science either. We know our expenses and what we need to meet them. It’s true we do a little more fundraising than most schools, but this helps keep the school affordable to the average family.

All Saints Elementary of Tipperary Hill • 112 South Wilbur Avenue • Syracuse, New York 13204 • 315-422-3140