
Cognitive Insensitivity to Pain

Pain, is something that everyone seems to hate. Often times people take medication to stop pain. But what if you couldn’t feel pain, that would be great right? No! Inability to feel pain can lead to injuries and commonly death! So, I would like my device to help people with “congenital insensitivity to pain” (CIP). Congenital insensitivity to pain is basically when you do not have the ability to feel pain. Unfortunately, Congenital insensitivity to pain can be dangerous as the sense of pain can tell us that we have gone too far. Pain hurts us to notify us that we are damaging something in our bodies. People with Congenital insensitivity to pain never know when you are feeling pain. If you slam your hand through a door, a normal person will feel pain and quickly back away, but a person with Congenital insensitivity to pain won’t even notice and may break that hand. The problem that these people have is that they are genetically born with it, and there is no treatment to stop this. They face trouble with understanding what can hurt them and what can’t. Temperature is one of the main causes that results in injuries to body parts especially to the hand. The hand suffers a lot as most times people rely on their hands to touch something first (like when you touch a coffee cup to see if it’s too hot) your hand is what you use to hold/touch anything and if people with Congenital insensitivity to pain touch something too hot for too long without noticing they can burn or damage their hand really quickly. I want my device to help these people detect if something is too hot of cold to prevent damage to the hand and/or other body parts.


According to Google “Optics the scientific study of sight and the behavior of light, or the properties of transmission and deflection of other forms of radiation.” Optics is involved in my innovation as I will be using LED’s which I will have to calculate the light rays. I also have to talk about the wavelengths to get a visible colour such as Red, Green and blue. I will also be using a temperature sensor which will detect when things are too hot off too cold, Infrared Radiation is what is given off of heat and temperature sensors use Infrared radiation to detect the temperature.


Google claims “Biology the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and distribution.” For my innovation, I used biology to show the impacts of burns and effects on human skin, types of burns and I will also show how the medical disability of Congestive insensitivity occurs, how they feel and what makes the nerves react to cause the disability.


Human Health

This innovation benefits human health and the environment. Human health is one of the most important things that a human needs to take care of because “You only live once”! People need to take care of their health and the unfortunate thing is people who can’t feel, can't sense what is happening to them which can ruin their health. My innovation is here to save their health by preventing potential injuries caused by heat and frost. Heat can cause burns, which can very from first degree to fourth degree burns. When you can't feel what you are touching you can't detect how painful is it (pain is what tells you how severe/damaging things are). Second, Third and Fourth degree burns can often damage your hands. Second degree can cause blisters, skin can turn white. Third-degree burns can cause hand to become stiff and also turn white or even brown. Fourth degree burns can ruin your hand and make it black. My innovation will help by telling you what is too hot and cold, this can prevent the impact of first/second/third/fourth degree burns. When these burns are prevented it helps keep their (people with the disabilities) health better, saves them from the mental stress of damaging their hands and can also help their physical health by avoiding burns.


Climate Change

Based on Google “a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onward and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.” My innovation uses climate change since I plan on using recycled materials, this reducing the greenhouse gas emissions as many factories use a lot of Co2 when producing products. My innovation will also come with a case made of recycled materials as well. I plan on also making my innovation biodegradable. Financially, this device is quite low cost, it uses an Uno board, Piezo, LEDs, etc. This device costs around $35, which is a good low price. Overall, I think my device can benefit the society and doesn’t hurt the environment during production.

The Carbon footprint for production of my gloves material which is Organic Cotton. Organic cotton is made better than normal cotton. Normal Cotton covers 2.5% of the world's cultivated land yet uses 16% of the world's insecticides. Chemicals used in Cotton often involve herbicides, insecticides, and defoliants. These chemicals are horrible for the environment as it can often pollute the air and surface waters. The biodiversity can also be affected due to cotton. My innovation uses Organic Cotton which still gives you the soft feeling of cotton and all the benefits of using cotton as a fabric as well as it is great for the environment. It does not use any of the harmful chemicals (herbicides, insecticides, and defoliants) therefore, it would not pollute the air or water. If pollution in the air does not occur then our atmosphere does not get weaker. If our atmosphere doesn’t get weaker our world will have to fight less about Global Warming. If water doesn’t get polluted, the wildlife and fishes stay alive in the water and their habitat is not ruined. If their habitat isn't ruined biodiversity will still remain in our lakes, rivers and oceans. This clearly proves how my innovation uses almost no chemicals when growing which helps the environment greatly. Manufacturing wise, Organic Cotton only uses 0.90 kg per ton for crop cultivation and 1.45 kg per ton for fibre production. In total, 2.35kg/ton is the Carbon emissions the fabric of my innovation uses.

Video Text

Hey there! I am going to be telling you about Cognitive Insensitivity to pain! So what is Cognitive Insensitivity to pain? Well, Basically Cognitive insensitivity to pain is when you do not have the ability to feel pain on a part of your body! Well isn’t that a good thing? No! When you don’t feel pain, you don’t know what is harming you. For example, if you put your hand on a hot stove, you would quickly move it away. These people can’t feel the pain therefore they would not move their hand off the stove which would result in burns and bruises. So why can’t they feel, Well many people born with Cognitive insensitivity to pain cannot feel because they have a defective nervous system. When the nervous system is defective the nervous system doesn’t send signals to the brain when you sense of feel. So is there a cure? No. There is nothing on the current market to help these people. What can they do then you may ask? Well this is where my innovation comes in. My innovation uses LED’s to represent how hot or cold something is. It uses a temperature sensor that takes in Infrared radiation from heat and converts it into digital values, this is then sent into the arduino where my code converts it into a temperature value, which then based on the temperature light’s up the corresponding LED’s. From there the visible light travels into your eye, since your eye is like a converging lens it produces an image upside down, which then you eye would convert into an right side up image. All of this is placed into a environmentally friendly glove made of Organic Cotton, which is better than regular cotton. Organic cotton is made from does not use any of the harmful chemicals like herbicides, insecticides, and defoliants therefore, it would not pollute the air or water. So, not only does my innovation help prevent burns or chances of frostbite, it helps save fishes from polluted water and our earth's atmosphere as well.