Design Process


General: We had to create and innovate a product that can solve a problem and benefit society.

Personal: Create an Temperature Sensing glove to prevent burns for people who can't feel.

Problems (Requirements)

  • Must include the topic of Climate Change (The world is going green)
  • Has to be a new idea, Cannot be made by someone else


When I first thought/researched making the glove, I thought that I should use an Arduino, This is due to my knowledge of coding and wiring from previous lessons that we had done in the Tech Design class. I wanted to explore more about the Arduino and what it can do. I decided to use a temperature sensor (TMP36) and placed it towards the index finger. I thought the index finger would be the best spot to place the Temperature Sensor because often when people are about to touch something the index finger is usually the first thing that comes into contact. I also decided to add a piezo on top of the Blue and Red LED's because the device wouldn't be as beneficial if you are not paying attention to what you are touching, therefore the piezo will alert you if you are close to something very damaging to your body. Here are some key features I thought about when making my glove:

Simple Key Features

  • Removable Component Section (For glove to be washed)
  • Ultra Soft Environmentally Friendly Organic Cotton Material
  • Fingerprint Holes for easy access o use fingerprint scanner on phone without removing glove
  • Temp Sensor removable
  • Rechargeable with Micro USB

I used tinker cad to see how my circuit was, if it worked, etc and used Autodesk inventor to CAD out my glove before construction to see if everything worked out okay!


For Construction, I spent a large portion of my time figuring out how to make a glove. I made so many different prototypes 26 different prototypes before I found one that worked. A few problems during the process was that the glove hole on the bottom was often too tight resulting in the hand having the inability to enter the glove. Another problem was the fingers of the were placed too far and or too close resulting in tightness and looseness of the glove. After 26 try's I got a prototype to work. I then made the same prototype with a fabric from a grocery bag. It worked well so I moved onto my final model. I pinned down my glove and cut a double layer. After that I carefully hot glued the two pieces together around the borders. I found a few problems with the Removable component section as the Velcro couldn't hold the glove and the component holder together. To resolve this issue I added more Velcro and added a strap to hold the glove component from falling.


For Evaluation, I tested my device on some common household locations such as the freezer, or the stove and everything worked well. Overall, I think this Innovation turned out to be great, I had lots of fun making this device that is very beneficial to our Society.

Video Text

For my Design Process I started off by brainstorm a few designs, I made multiple rough sketches of my glove. I then came up with an sketch I liked decided to keep that as the final sketch. It was a glove with components on top of the arm. I moved on to tinkercad to see if I could make the Hardware and Software possible. I originally was only going to add 2 Led’s one blue and one red, but eventually working on tinkercad I added more red and blue LEDs and even decided to add a green one. I also thought an Piezo would have been great to alert the user when they are not paying attention. I then moved onto Autodesk inventor to CAD out my glove. I found it really hard to CAD something that is not solid. I did some research and learnt that Autodesk Inventor had this free-form shape type of thing. I then started to learn how to use it and it was very cool. So, I ended up making my CAD out of mostly Cylinders.After the CAD, I did further research on how I could make my glove better before starting to construct it. I then realized that we are in 2018 and most of our phones have fingerprint scanners. So I ended up cutting off the top of the fingers to create holes for your fingerprint, Another thing I thought about was that gloves often get dirty and need to be washed sometimes, I couldn’t make the arduino waterproof, so instead I made a separate casing for the Arduino and electronic components and a separate glove that come together through Velcro. I then prototyped 26 different gloves until I found one that actually worked, fit properly and didn’t look odd. I than moved on to my final Design, which seemed to have turned out pretty good.