Amir Shirkhani

Research Fellow, Research Advisor, and Adjunct Lecturer in Civil/Structural Engineering

 Lead Researcher in Structural Control and Seismic Retrofit 

(Open to Joint Collaborations)

Research Collaboration in Structural and Earthquake Engineering

 Email Address for inquiry about Research Collaboration:

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Lead Researcher in Structural Control and Seismic Retrofit (Open to Joint Collaborations)

Research Collaboration in Structural and Earthquake Engineering

Welcome to the website of ASCIVIL

This website is designed for the purpose of sharing basic information for research in Civil/Structural & Earthquake Engineering.Best regards,Amir Shirkhani

Structural Engineering

Structural engineering is the science and art of designing, analyzing, and constructing structures. Traditional civil engineering structures include buildings, bridges, towers, and dams designed to resist seismic, wind, and gravity forces. The analytical tools developed by structural engineers, e.g., numerical analysis methods, non-linear material models, reliability theory, can be applied to a much wider range of "structure" types.

Earthquake Engineering

Several areas of the world are prone to high seismic activity. Research has led to modern design methods that significantly reduce the seismic risk for new structures. Unfortunately, many structures which exist today were constructed prior to these new methods being implemented and are thus deficient. In order to reduce the seismic risk to an acceptable level, many of these structures require extensive rehabilitation.