I am a beginner in this domain. I have a text file having three columns: X, Y, Intensity at (X, Y). They are basically arrays (1X10000) each written out in a text files via python. To plot the dataset in python, I can simply use trisurf to achieve this.But for further processing, I need to create a fits image from it. How do I make FITS image (and NOT a simple FITS table) out of the this text file (through python or matlab will be preferable).

got a question regarding printing out the 128 first characters from the ascii table. I haven't gotten so far yet, because I already stumbled to a problem. The following code prints the correct value starting from 32-127. From 0 to 31 however it prints out some scrap values. I assume it is correct as well since I quick checkup on the asciitable.com those values represents something else beside the ABC...Z.

Ascii Table

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As for printing by column instead of rows, here's a hint: note that the first row contains ascii chars 0, 10, 20, ... 70; the second has 1, 11,...71. You should be able to figure out the pattern and note that you need two loops (an outer and inner) where the inner loop prints the chars that belong on the row given by outer loop.

Best portable way I know is to put a condition and not print between 0 and 31, or stock in a table the classical names of those caracters (BR, LF, etc., you can find them easily on the web) and display those instead of trying to display the character itself, since those are by definition non-displayable.

BTW: read what ASCII means to understand why (one part) I wrote above Extended ASCII Codes as presented there is totally wrong..

The other part is there are two different Tables for values 128 to 255: the Mac Part and the Windows part and they were different. Today, beside ASCII table, the values that starts at 128 is owned by UTF (nothing else).

Opening context: I'm an embedded software developer. While I'd like to pretend that I have the ASCII table memorized, I don't, so I frequently use Google to augment my memory on mundane things like this. "ascii table" is one of those searches that I've done frequently enough to have noticed some oddities, but overnight it completely went to shit.

The ASCII table contains letters, numbers, control characters, and other symbols. Each character is assigned a unique 7-bit code. ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

At some point Authpoint has stopped supporting syncing AD users containing 8 bit ascii characters. I have a AD users with a  in description and this users would not sync anymore. Changed the  to a O and the user gets synced again.

I would like to suggest adding a ASCII/character table to the Arduino reference guide. As this guide is downloaded/include in the installation pack it would be convenient to included rahter than having to look one up on the internet somewhere. I offer the attached as a starting point.

ASCII_Table.xlsx used to generate table

ASCII_Table.htm single page html document (entire table)

ASCII_Table.pdf Acrobat file (2 pages)

ASCII_Table_001-1127.PNG codes 1 to 127

ASCII_Table_128-255.PNG codes 128-255

The second page I chose is code page 437 that was used by MS DOS. I used the "MS Linedraw" font to represent it. .

(ref: Code page 437 - Wikipedia)

This is noted at the top of the page for the second half of the table (128-256).

Most of these codes still work at the DOS command prompt and are still supported by a few compilers like FreeBasic.

Are there any text editors which can read in a plain-text file containing an ASCII table and render the table wih convenient table-editing tools such as "add row," "auto-fit column width," "delete column," etc? At my job we use MS Word's track changes feature to track changes in very long documents, which is unwieldy and inconvenient. I would love to convert our documents to plain text and use SVN or git to version them and easily see diffs. However, that requires converting our tables to plain text. Fortunately, that problem is already solved - MS Word has a "table-to-text feature, and this tool -text-as-table.html can be used to translate MS Word's output to nicely formatted ASCII tables. While that would be a great way to get all our docs to plain text format, it would be prohibitively inconvenient to actually edit ASCII tables - adding and deleting rows, widening columns when necessary, etc. Are there any text editors or plugins which can do this kind of table manipulation on ASCII plain-text tables?

Don't be put off by Emacs' reputation for being difficult to learn, that only applies when trying to do the really complicated things. For simple text editing Emacs and Org mode are really easy and tables are very straightforward.

EDIT: though, if you main aim is editing, ascii tables really really aren't it. And if you dislike CSVs (putting aside that custom delimiters could be used) the only other plain text table-thingy I can think of is markdown. Perhaps pandoc might reserve some trick.

1) Press the "Alt" key on your keyboard, and do not let go.

2) While keep press "Alt", on your keyboard type the number "165", which is the number of the letter or symbol "" in ASCII table.

3) Then stop pressing the "Alt" key, and ...you got it! (3)

Note that there are several other extended ASCII tables like ISO 8859, ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-2, and so on. The extended table above is based on Windows-1252 ASCII table, and is what web browsers used before UTF-8 was created.

The original character set, which is now referred as the standard character set was initially composed of 128 characters (7-bit code). The first 32 characters are control characters (also called non-printable characters), which are used to control data streams as well as devices such as printers. It later was expanded to support 256 characters (8-bit code) in order to provide language specific characters, various symbols, as well as box-drawing characters: elements used for presentation purposes, allowing to draw different kind of frames and boxes. The characters in the 128-255 range are referred to as extended ASCII.

This function reads an ASCII file and returns the table data afterthe header portion, and before the footer portion (if specified).Note that this function can be extremely slow if you have thousands oflines of data. This is because this function has to read the file inas an array of strings, first to get the header information and thenagain to get the values. Reading thousands of lines of strings can bevery slow. In this case, it may be better touse asciiread and reshape the data into a 2D arrayyourself. See the "ReadingASCII data" examples page for information on how to read a largeASCII file that has header and/or footer data.

If you only have to enter a few special characters or symbols, you can use the Character Map or type keyboard shortcuts. See the tables below, or see Keyboard shortcuts for international characters for a list of ASCII characters.

I am running Ubuntu 14.10, and I would like to enter characters from the console using hexadecimal code. To do this, I am using the combination Alt+ Shift+u+Hexcode. On my computer this works fine until Ascii character 127, but entering a value above will result in a character different from the extended Ascii table. For example, Alt +Shift+u+FF results in a y with two dots above. This is not the correct value from the ASCII table. I guess I need to configure my character set, but I don`t know how. I only found foreign sets like hyroglyphs. How can I ender ASCII characters from the extended Ascii set?

According to this table in wikipedia the character corresponding to ASCII 255 or 0xff is ''. However I produced this character with Ctrl-Shift-u followed by 'ff', not Alt-Shift-u and 'ff'. (After entering Ctrl-Shift-u, an underligned u appears, then continue typing the hex code and terminate with Enter to get the coded character.)

Here is the my latest addon for the program I'm writing. This one is an Ascii table that has the characters, decimal value, hex value and HTML codes (For some of them). The longest bit for me was compiling the html codes into a massive array, that took a while! its quite small, but does the job nicely.

I know how to use an ibl-file for creating a datum curve. However, I cannot find a way to create a closed, smoothspline with this method. If I succeed in creating a "closed" curve, it's not tangent at the first coordinate of the ibl table

We want toimport cam disc geometry calculated in Excel (a table with 180 X,Y coordinates). In CoCreate Modeling it's very easy to make a 2D or 3D spline with an ASCII table, but I cannot find a way to do it in Pro/E.

Out of 128 code points in ASCII character set, only 95 are printable characters. These characters range from 32 to 126. These printable characters are letters, digits, punctuation marks, and a few other symbols as outlined in the above ASCII table.

The ASCII code 32 is for space character. The space character is not recognized as a printable symbol. It is also not a control character. The space character (32) is categorized as an invisible graphic symbol.

And every computer book, whether it was relevant or not, always seemed to have an ASCII table at the back.What confuses novice C programmers is that the ASCII code was designed so that c-'0' would get you the numeric value of the character.

astropy.io.ascii provides methods for reading and writing a wide range ofASCII data table formats via built-in Extension Reader Classes. Theemphasis is on flexibility and convenience of use, although readers canoptionally use a less flexible C-based engine for reading and writing forimproved performance. This subpackage was originally developed as asciitable.

The strength of astropy.io.ascii is the support for astronomy-specificformats (often with metadata) and specialized data types such asSkyCoord, Time, and Quantity. For reading or writing largedata tables in a generic format such as CSV, using the Table - Pandasinterface is an option to consider. 17dc91bb1f

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