Brian is correct. Just to add additional info. If you are working into a complete system for your business or client. I would suggest that you start working on the organizational level down to process of POS and accounting. That would make your database experience more extensive... :P In my experience in system development, Inventory modules always start with the stock taking+(purchases-purchase returns)=SKU available for sales. POS is not directly attached to Inventory module but rather will be reconciled daily by the sales supervisor. Total Daily Sales quantities will then be deducted to SKU available for sales. you will work out also the costing and pricing modules. Correct normalization of database is always a must.

I think you can store the inventory in the products table. There will certainly be transaction tables for purchases for the products and sales and even adjusting records (when items get count and the number differs from what's stored in the database), but you can easily work with the stock stored in the production table itself, thus not having to scan the whole database and sum up all purchases and sales and corrections every time (and never being able to delete old transaction data from the database, as that would invalidate the calculations).

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I've been made the de facto data analyst in my workplace because I know how to record a macro in Excel and can build really simple databases in Microsoft Access. Our small sales operation relies heavily on an Access database built 15 years ago by a former employee who is now retired. Someone needs to fill his shoes to maintain the database, or built an entirely new one, and I think this person is going to be me. If I am about to study programming languages and RDBMS for the next several months and step up to the plate, where should I be focusing my energy? My understanding is that Access isn't very popular these days with developers. Is there a better program out there that a small business who doesn't want to spend a lot of money can rely on? I find the info about options to be pretty overwhelming and over my head when it comes to discerning the differences.

Thanks for any help!

A database is information that is set up for easy access, management and updating. Computer databases typically store aggregations of data records or files that contain information, such as sales transactions, customer data, financials and product information.

Relational. This tabular approach defines data so it can be reorganized and accessed in many ways. Relational databases are comprised of tables. Data is placed into predefined categories in those tables. Each table has columns with at least one data category, and rows that have a certain data instance for the categories which are defined in the columns. Information in a relational database about a specific customer is organized into rows, columns and tables. These are indexed to make it easier to search using SQL or NoSQL queries.

Typically, the RDBMS gives users the ability to control read/write access, specify report generation and analyze use. Some databases offer atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability, or ACID, compliance to guarantee that data is consistent and that transactions are complete.

The DBMS provides physical and logical independence from data. Users and applications do not need to know either the physical or logical locations of data. A DBMS can also limit and control access to the database and provide different views of the same database schema to multiple users.

Download Sale related Access Database Programs and Templates for Microsoft Access 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 Software. Sale Access database, sale Microsoft Access templates and examples of sale for MS Access. These MS Access database templates can be used for small business, non profit organization, student or personal use.

A sale of computer software includes any transfer of title or possession or both, including a license to use.

When a purchaser remotely accesses software over the Internet, the seller has transferred possession of the software because the purchaser gains constructive possession of the software and the right to use or control the software.

Accordingly, the sale to a purchaser in New York of a license to remotely access software is subject to state and local sales tax. The situs of the sale for purposes of determining the proper local tax rate and jurisdiction is the location from which the purchaser uses or directs the use of the software, not the location of the code embodying the software. Therefore, if a purchaser has employees who use the software located both in and outside of New York State, the seller of the software should collect tax based on the portion of the receipt attributable to the users located in New York.

My latest development machine is 64 bit Windows 7. The same goes for new machines in use by many of my company's software clients. Some of my clients bought new machines with 64 bit Microsoft Office 2010 preinstalled. The currently released version of my company's applications use JET4.0 drivers. This seemed to work OK on my own least before I installed 64 bit Office 2010. At sites with preinstalled Office 2010 (64 bit), my application along with MicroStation is installed after Office. At those locations, we've had nothing but headaches in the database access arena. I don't really know whether the order of installation is important but I do know that this incompatibility is causing serious consternation in the Access database developer community. My point in opening this topic is to offer a "heads up" to any other developer who uses Access with MicroStation and hopefully to elicit fruitful discussion that can help others avoid this unpleasant ordeal. I searched for similar topics and found none but if you know of a related discussion, please reply with a link to that thread. If you have better information, please reply with that as well.

Unless you are delivering your own database implementation, expecting an IT department to accept your one chosen DB supplier is guaranteed to lose you sales. Thus it's more attractive to use something database-independent like ODBC.

Floreant POS ships with Apache Derby database with sample menu items. This database is embedded database and cannot be accessed from other computer. If you need to connect more computer to one central database you need to setup database server.

Follow these steps to enable remote access to a database in your Linux Hosting account. You need to know the IP address from which you'll be accessing the database. Remote access lets you manage the database with tools like MySQL Query Browser or MySQL Workbench.

@pturmel has posted some example code at various points; consider searching this forum for RecordActionTable (one possible starting point). If you want to reflect Ignition database connections as your "source of truth" for the possible values in this table, then you could probably build a RecordActionTable off the existing datasource record, remove the ability to add/edit, and "simply" wire in your new actions to add tables/relationships/functions/etc.

And that's completely fine, in my mind. When we do it manually right now, the customer still has full access to their own database and gateway that we're installing these resources on, so it is definitely not a foolproof method. We also want to stay away from a black box product, so it's important for us that our customers would have the technical ability to modify stuff if they chose to.

I strongly disagree. An ActionTable implementation that does not reference PersistentRecord at all is the right answer. PersistentRecord is always pointing at the internal database. It cannot be made to point at any other. IEditorSource, IIRC, is part of the problem.

@PassRusher I use access successfully with teams. You need to replicate all the tables in your database as SharePoint Lists (With the same name as the tables. then you remove the original tables and connect to the SharePoint lists in stead. You still need to have the access file on your local pc but the data now resides in the Teams SharePoint site. The only limitation is that you cannot access the db in teams itself or on a mobile device. If you want to access the app on mobile, you will have to redevelop it using PowerApps. Hope it helps!

The problem is with the dg4odbc connection, I have created connections for AS400 databases and they're ok, but I set up an ODBC to the access database, using the 32 bit ODBC interface as MS recommends, but I still keep getting this error:

The funny thing is, when I point the tnsnames.ora entry to the old 9i server, it uses that ODBC connection and then the 11G dblink then works fine. However this is a band-aid solution and I want to get everything working from the new production database server.

just like to clear up the point about Access

MS Access is actually a collection of products. It is convenient to think of it as a desktop database management tool, as it combines a database engine (JET) with a report writer and an SQL graphical query tool (and don't forget its macro language). BUT it also contains VBA (which is a subset of visual basic), and many other programming tools and applications contain hooks into Access (e.g. Excel).

However, I am unable to open the Access .mdb file while there is still an active connection from Excel to Access, so I figured that I could make a copy of the access database at certain regular intervals (e.g. after every insert of 1000 rows) and then point the analysis tool at the copy. For this I am using the following code:

If I switch to SQL Server Express, would I even need to use Access? I guess the current limitation is that as long as I am writing data to the Access tables, I cannot point my 3rd party analysis tool at the database (I assume because it is somehow locked or opened for exclusive use). Would SQL Server express eliminate this "exclusive-use" problem? Also, if I did switch, would I be able to use ADO to query/insert with SQL Server just as I am able to with Access? 17dc91bb1f

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