Invited Research Seminars, Workshops, and Conferences

Faculty Mentor/Discussant/Panelist/Chair/Moderator

Presentation, "Hard Truths: The Unintended Consequences of Carbon Tax on Firm Behavior"

Presentation, "Health Insurance and Labor Productivity: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment"

Presentation, "How Do Domestic and Foreign Firms Respond to a Controversial Reduction in Competition from the Public Sector?"

Presentation, "Doing Business in Resource-Constrained Environments: The Promise and Limits of Relying on Communities"

Presentation, "Small but Resilient: SME Survival during the COVID-19 Pandemic"

Presentation, "Cross-Country Heterogeneity in the Impact of Introducing Emissions Trading Schemes on Decarbonization"

Presentation, "How Do Private Sector Firms Respond to a Reduction in Competition from the Public Sector? Evidence from the Indian Vaccines Market"

Presentation, "Saving for Microenterprises: The Complementary Role of Mobile Money and Banks for Marginalized Individuals in Low- and Middle-Income Countries"

Presentation, "Bottom of the Pyramid Strategy of Developed and Emerging Multinational Enterprises: Evidence from Africa"

Presentation, "Financial Technology and Entrepreneurship: Impact of Mobile Money on Socioeconomically Marginalized Individuals"

Presentation, "Small Packs in the Bottom of the Pyramid: Price, Product Variety, and Performance"

Presentation, "Technology Licensing and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Developing Economies"

Presentation, "Nations within a Nation? Pandemic, Regional Heterogeneity, and MNC Market Share of Vaccines in an Emerging Economy"

Presentation, "Collective Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Microfinance"

Presentation, "Financial Sustainability of Organizations in the wake of a Legitimacy Shock: Evidence from the 2010 Indian Microfinance Scandal"

Presentation/Co-author, "Hybrid Organizations, Categorical Cognition, and Outcome Efficiency in Impact Investing Decisions"

Presentation, "Women's Disempowerment and Preference for Skin Whitening Products that Reinforce Colorism: Experimental Evidence from India"

Presentation/Co-author, "When the Big One Came: A Natural Experiment on Demand Shocks and Market Structure in India's Influenza Vaccine Markets"


Co-chair, Session, Foundations Interview:  A Conversation with Professor Gautam Ahuja