AP Portfolio

My AP Works

I took AP Studio Design/Drawing during the 2016-2017 school year. In my high school, Design and Drawing was the same class and it was up to the individual student to decide which test best fit their portfolio. As such, the breadth section of the portfolio includes pieces that work for both drawing and design. Meanwhile, I found a style called Low Poly, and I decided to explore the workings of it during my design concentration.

Breadth Portfolio

The Bike of Prince Charming, Frottage

Rainy Days, Oil on Canvas

Fall Updrafts, Watercolor

Untitled, Hand Cut Paper

Face, Oil on Wood

Still Life Assignment, Graphite

Fight Me, Mixed Media

Untitled, Mixed Media

Self Portrait, Prismacolor

Concentration Portfolio

With my concentration, I was interested not only in the low polygonal style, but also in my namesake: the camellia rose. I was in a bad place. My depression was getting worse instead of better, I wanted to leave my religion, and I had terrible senioritis. So I toyed with this idea that had been churning within me for a long time: how am I supposed to love my neighbor as Jesus demanded if I didn't love myself?

A lot of other people my age told me to learn to love myself before trying to love others, but it wasn't working well. I wasn't making progress because, as I'm sure we are know, we are our own worst critic. So I decided to try to see others in a better light instead. The second piece I did, Annette, was a portrait of a classmate I really admired. She was beautiful, quiet but profound, and an amazing artist. But, after a long conversation with three of my greatest friends, I realized that I was nothing less than her. I was just different. And it lead me through all these explorations of my classmates through portraits and these flowers. As I saw the worth in them, I began to see myself better too.

Angst, Digital Self Portrait

Annette, Digital

Kelly, Digital

Emil, Digital

My Love, Digital

Hannah, Digital

Angelica, Digital

Emily, Digital

Halo, Digital

Peace, Digital Self Portrait