Wordle cloud with titles from journal papers and book chapters (2004-2020). These scientific articles have been written in co-authorship with researchers from:

Universities in Brazil: IME, LNCC, PUC-Minas, PUC-PR, PUC-Rio, UFBA, UFF, UFG, UFMG, UFJF, UFRJ, UNICAMP, UTFPR;

Universities abroad: University of Hamburg, Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany); UBA (Argentina); Boston University (USA); ENS-Lyon, INRIA, LIP6/CNRS (France); Technion (Israel); SICS (Sweden), NCKU (Taiwan);

Industry: Google Engineering, Yahoo! Research, Deutsche Telekom Labs, Oi Telecom, Grandata Labs, IBM Research, Cipher Trace, Petrobras

Collaborations - Artur Ziviani

I am fortunate to collaborate (or have collaborated) with the following researchers:

In Brazil




Collaborations with former PhD candidates and pos-docs

I was also fortunate to have collaborated for a while with former PhD candidates and pos-docs from different institutions during part of their PhD years or pos-doc time: