
SIEF is the association of the Spanish researchers living in France. It was created to promote communication, exchange and collaborations between them. To know more about SIEF, please visit our website!

The Spanish residence is supported by the University Ministry of Spain. It hosts Spanish and international students, researchers and artists yearly. Check our website!

Adrián Candelas

Adrian is a PhD student at CEA Grenoble/Saint Louis Hospital (CytoMorphoLab), a SIEF member and resident of Colegio de España.

  • Event organizer and coordinator

Covadonga Lucas

Covadonga is a Posdoc researcher at LCBPT (Univ. Paris) and teacher at Université de Paris. She is co-funder and currently Vice-President of SIEF.

  • Event organizer of the SIEF partnership

Stéphanie Migniot

Stéphanie is the responsible of the cultural events developed at the Spanish residence.

  • Event organizer of Colegio de España partnership

Justo Zambrana

Justo is a Spanish politician and currently, the Director of Colegio de España.

  • Event organizer of Colegio de España partnership

Gabriela Cuesta

Gabi is a MSCA PhD student at INSERM , a SIEF member and resident of Colegio de España.

  • Administrative coordinator

Daniel Garrido

Daniel is a biologist specialized in environmental science.

  • Digital manager and coordinator

David Romeo-Guitart

David is a MSCA PosDoc researcher at INEM and resident of Colegio de España.

  • Collaborator for Ramón y Cajal exhibition

Carlos Pascual

Carlos is a PosDoc researcher at ICM,

SIEF member and resident of Colegio de España.

  • Collaborator for Ramón y Cajal exhibition

Roberto Ciurana

Roberto is civil engineer with a double diploma at ESTP.

  • Technical developer

Laura Pagans

Laura is an art historian specialized in the cultural and historical patrimony preservation.

  • Artistic consultor and event designer