Art and Science work exhibition


Artistic Category

Soap Film - Simon Raffy

2nd position: Tejido I - Gonzalo Ibáñez Pico

3rd position: Taking cooler breath - Alejandro Alonso Eugenio

Scientific Category

Actin Forest - Matthieu Gélin

2nd position: La lumière dans mon microscope - Irene Cáceres

3rd position: Forever Young - Vanessa Lopez Polo

Artistic category- Selected works

Scientific category - Selected works


One prize with a value of 150 euros will be given to the most voted work of each category. Voting period by the visitors starts the 6th April (19:00) and it will finish at the end of the month.



  • El Mono, Uxue Castrillo

  • RAM, Amaia Salazar

  • Cristaux Polarisés, Simon Raffy

  • Soap Film, Simon Raffy

  • Tejido I, Gonzalo Ibáñez Pico

  • Tejido II, Gonzalo Ibáñez Pico

  • Taking cooler breath, Alejandro Alonso Eugenio


  • Jardín neural, Aïda Padilla

  • La lumière dans mon microscope, Irene Cáceres Estévez

  • Vida y Arte, Andrea Aranda Corulla

  • La pintura de la ciencia, María Conde Vidales

  • Farbpalette, Ester Davis Méndez

  • Lights in the Dark, Juliana Geay

  • Forever Young, Vanessa Lopez Polo

  • Actin forest, Matthieu Gélin

Work exhibition Jury:

  • Covadonga Lucas, scientist (SIEF)

  • Stephanie Migniot, cultural developer (Colegio de España)

  • Justo Zambrana, director of the spanish residence (Colegio de España)

  • Raquel Cáceres, photographer (extern jury)

  • Olga Simón, photographer (extern jury)