
$75.00 | Snapchat for Storytelling

$75.00 | Playdates with Instagram and Friends

$150.00 | iMovie Crash Course (coming soon)

Instagram & Friends

Beginners Social Media Class

  • We cover the basics, so you know what all the buttons do. (Press them all!!)
  • We learn how to share stories and create daily video journals with Instagram Video.
  • We learn from each other, we learn from mistakes, and we learn through play.

This class is open to all who are curious about mobile technology and want to get on social media. To learn Instagram you must be open to playing with your phone, pushing all the buttons, and sometimes making mistakes. Eventually, if you keep playing with your phone (making art, telling stories, sharing photos) you will get better. You may even become a new media master. But the only way is through play.

Instagram classes are Monday afternoons in Paia at Baldwin Beach Park Pavillon (2pm-5pm) and Wednesday mornings in Kihei at Kalama Skate Park (9am-12pm).

Class size is 3-6 people. Plus +1s welcome.

View the class calendar and sign up by calling Akakū at (808) 871-5554

Tuition for a 3-hour small group session is $75 per person.

Please take this in-take survey for Instagram

Snapchat Lessons

Beginners Social Media Class

  • We will demystify Snapchat's interface and reveal it's multi-dimensionality as a tool for intimate communication and creative story telling.
  • We will unpack Snapchat's hidden features and special effects. There's a lot to play with: virtual masks, digital stickers, and more.
  • We learn from each other, we learn from mistakes, and we learn through play.

artLABmaui creates playdates for adults. This class is open to all who are curious about mobile technology and want to get on social media. To learn Snapchat you must be open to playing with your phone, pushing all the buttons, and sometimes making mistakes. Eventually, if you keep playing with your phone (making art, telling stories, sharing photos) you will get better. You may even become a new media master. But the only way is through play.

Snapchat classes are Monday mornings in Paia at Baldwin Beach Park Pavillon (9am-12pm) and Wednesday afternoons in Kihei at Kalama Skate Park (2pm-5pm).

Class size is 3-6 people. Plus +1s welcome.

View the class calendar and sign up by calling Akakū at (808) 871-5554

Tuition for a 3-hour small group session is $75 per person.

Preview the types of things we can create in class:

Meet the Assistant

Every class includes an introduction to Google Photos, an essential companion for mobile story tellers.

Google Photo's Virtual Assistant will back up your photos and videos for free to the cloud and afterwards make you presents – movies, animations, collages and more. Aren't you interested in learning more?