
Nonnie Austin

LBH co-chair

Heather Baker

Kristen Baker

Matthew Barrett

Jenny Boccardo

Cheryl Bomba

Pat Buchanan

vice president

Patrica Byrne 

Frank Champine

Christina Champion

Wiliam Roger Clark

Joyce M Cope

Lisa Definis

Raphaelle Del Vecchio

Dave Eater


Deborah Eater


Marie Ferrin

Maureen Finger

Ann Gillette

Suzan Gottshall

Patrick Harrington

Nancy Jacob

Jeanne Jordan

Diedra Kerrick

Mervyn Kline

Ernest Koch

Linda Kurteson

Daniel Lee


Thomas McElroy

Lisa McGovern

Facebook group

Larry Mello

Dan Mullen

Gerry Mulligan

Margarete Naperski

Boyd Owens

Angela Pannone

Deborah Pinney

Andrew Pustay

Debbie Rakos

Rodney Rakos

Janice Rhodes


Caromay Robinson

Jan Ruano

Kitsie Saldan

LBH co-chair

Jean Schanz

Gretchen Schroeder


Marty Shively


Tom Sicilia

Lois Snyder

HBD co-chair

Marc Snyder

HBD co-chair

Rose Marie Strippoli

Roberta Strow

Jeff Tetreault

Marjorie Trush

Dale VanSant

Beverly Weinstein

Gene Williams

Amber Wood

Member News

Raphaelle DelVecchio

Congratulations to the winners of juror awards in the Art Month exhibition at Grundy Library!

1st place: Raphaelle DelVecchio

2nd place: Deborah Eater

3rd place: Rosemarie Strippoli

Honorable Mentions: Mervyn Kline, Marc Snyder, Margarete Naperski

Voting for the People's Choice award continues through April 4.

Four members sold work during opening night of the Art Month exhibition at Grundy Library: Christina Champion, Boyd Owens, Janice Rhodes, and Marty Shively.

Member Websites